The Canadian National Coalition

Day 634, 13:11 Published in Canada Canada by Jacobi

Today I spent some money to buy 40 gold. It was perhaps the best 40 gold I've spent in my time playing this game. With it, I founded the Canadian National Coalition

What Is The National Coalition?

The National Coalition is a party I have founded for the express purpose of making sure there will be a party to run candidates in the next Congressional election.

What Does It Stand For?

The National Coalition is not an ideological party but a vehicle for National Unity. As such, it stands principally for two things: A Government of Canadians, by Canadians, and for Canadians, and for the territorial restoration of Canada in its entirety.

Can I be a member of the CSD or DAL and still be a member of the National Coalition?

Yes! The National Coalition is not intended as a competitor to any existing Canadian Party, but has come into being simply to provide a vehicle for Congressional Candidates and as a party united towards Canadian self-government. When other parties are established in game and the war is over, the National Alliance may become an ideological party or it may not. Right now, it is not a competitor, has no forums, nor party leadership.

How will Congressional Candidates be chosen?

By interest expressed on the forums by registered Canadian citizens, and just as likely, by Canadians simply signing up to run. In cases where there are too many candidates for a single region and movement is not possible, I will consult with other recognized party leaders and make a decision on the 24th.

Is this party affiliated with the government?

No. This party is entirely self funded and privately run for the common good. I do not believe the government ought to have an institutional monopoly on Congressional candidates.

So please, join the National Coalition today, and help maintain a Canadian Congress and a Canadian government

Prime Minister of Canada

Two Completely Separate Notes.

1. I would like to thank those who have subscribed to this newspaper enough to make it a Media Mogul! The 5 gold for that, as promised, will be donated to the government's war efforts.

Please go here to make a difference, and to generate some gold for the cause!

2. Please subscribe to the newspaper of Sadeh Badeh, located here. Not only is Mr. Badeh a former Israeli President and vocal supporter of Canada, he has literally started and paid for resistance wars in Canada out of his own pocket! Please thank him for his support by subscribing to his newspaper.