The Call to Common Sense

Day 1,169, 14:57 Published in USA USA by Gulden Draak

We the players, of the game eRepublik, in order to form a fun game, establish fairness, help new players, and keep old players interested, do write this article today otherwise known as The Call to Common Sense.

I.- We demand to have the orgs ability to vote taken away, but nothing more. Orgs have long been a source of terror and strife in the media. Players who spend hours writing well thought out articles, are being choked out by those who can throw Gold at org voting clubs. However, orgs are not all bad and they are an essential part for running militias and are useful to citizens to store goods for the future. Say there is an economic downturn, and goods are cheap, with the ability of orgs a citizen could buy up these goods and store them for when prices may increase. All we ask is that the good part of orgs are left behind, but the orgs ability to vote is taken away

Separate the wheat from the chaff. Leave the bad and keep the good

II.- We demand that the shout number be lowered to something reasonable. In what was an obvious move to make this site more like Twitter, the shouts available to a citizen daily were bumped from 3 to 6 and now to 30. While it may seem like a good idea to simply copy the business model of another social site, I highly urge against this practice.

According to research I collected from a variety of sites, Twitter has about 190 million users and has about 65 million tweets per day. If you take the average of both those categories, you would get an average of 0.342 tweets per day per user. This is no where near the 30 shouts given to a citizen a day and it even falls short of the 3 shouts that were originally given to us. In short, there is no logical reason for 30 shouts and all this number is doing is causing less friend requests as people do not want to have their shout bars clogged up. It is killing the community, we demand that it be fixed.

III.- We demand the right to publish in foreign nations. Part of what makes this game so unique is the fact that it is played worldwide and we have the ability the interact with people across the world who have an entirely different culture and way of life. Yet we are all able to rally around this game as a central focal point. When the ability to publish in other nations was taken away, a large chunk of the game experience was taken away as well. No longer can a President write an article to another nation telling how much they appreciate them being an ally. No longer can we get horrible troll articles which were fun to laugh at. No longer can a budding young writer really expand his sub base outside his or her own nation. We demand that this be changed, and that the international experience this game once provided be brought back to us.

Let our news be heard around the world

IV.- We demand that all players be informed equally about changes in eRepublik. The best way to do this in my opinion would be to bring back the eRepublik Insiders from Plato’s paper found here. There are several people that work for eRepublik so surely it can’t be too hard to spend an hour or two a week writing an article to inform citizens of what is going on. There are citizens who spend 5+ hours a week writing articles and we aren’t even paid to do it.

I feel that you can at least let us know what is going on once a week. Publishing in a paper, also gives all citizens equal access to the changes that may be occurring game. This is a lot better than the current personal message system which often leaves players out of the loop. An example would be when the new company rules were about to be instituted and only company owners were informed. What about those who had an interest in buying a company? Do they not have equal rights as the company owners? We demand that all citizens be equally informed on issues and that we are informed on what is going on at least once a week, even if it is a very brief message

V.- We demand that changes be made to things besides the military and economic modules. I have been involved with this game for over a year and half now and the only time significant changes have been made to this game, they have been made to the military and economic modules. Now that these modules seem to be sorted out, it is time to get some new ideas implemented in the political and media modules. Both of these modules are becoming stale and they need updating to keep things interesting, just like video game producers produce new versions of pre-existing games. We have been stuck with the same political and media modules for a long time and we demand that these change.

These are just a list of some simple demands, and I do not feel that any of them is to much to ask for and I really feel that they should just be common sense. If you feel that this article is “filth” and you choose to take it down, that is fine I have copies. I will continue to publish this article if it is taken down until I am banned from the game. I feel that these are just some basic changes needed to this game, and until all or some of these are met this game will not really be worth playing to me so I have no issue in seeing my citizen die a martyr. I encourage anyone who wants to translate and publish this article in their native language so that we can raise awareness on these issues. Until next time.......

Stay thirsty my friends,

Gulden Draak