The Boblo Interrogations #4: Shadowukcs

Day 745, 10:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bob Boblo

Some men are born great; some have greatness thrust upon. Some just completely fail at being great. Most would put Shadow among these. Bless. Our lead reporter tracked him down.

Bob Boblo: 1. Why do you believe that, contrary to popular belief, you do not deserve the tag of 'eUKs worst president'?

Shadow: Simple answer: GlaDos was worse.

Long answer: I gave it all I had. I spend literally more time on e-rep then on anything else. You have to understand that in those days we didn't work with ministers. So the job that is now divided over +15 ppl (all the ministers + underministers + advisors) was then done by me alone. I had days that I logged on and had to answer over 50, sometimes even a 100 PM's a day. Usually ppl wrote lengthy PM's and I only gave short answers (as I often still had 40 PM's to reply on) or no answer at all if it wasn't that important. That annoyed ppl I guess. Also because I was answering PM's all the time and involved in the talks of turning the NA in a new alliance (which would later turn into ATLANTIS) and talks with other leaders I barely had the time to post on the forum anymore, hence why ppl later say that I was inactive. But I can assure you, there is no period in my e-life I've been more active than then.

I was also the president who came right after kaleb and you have to understand that kaleb was literally 24/7 online. So I understand that going from someone like kaleb, who was 24/7 online to a guy who still goes to college and needs to be present at the lessons might have been a bit of a downgrade.

Looking back on the period I can say that I'm proud of my therm as president. I gave it all I had, spent countless hours and that's all I can do.

BB: How did you manage to lose to a disappearing Irish drunkard?

S: I voted for him!

In all seriousness, I didn't wanted to win. The only reason I ran again was because it was expected. The truth is that one day after election day, my exams started and if I had won and became president another therm, my exams would have been one epic failure.

So I was kinda relieved when he won.

Also FD is a smart, intelligent guy. He deserved to win. He did a great job during his term and it enabled me to set up mi-6.

BB: As co-founder of the UKRP, what do you make of their current position, and current leader/village idiot, Winston?

S: UKRP has been having village idiots as PP since long before Winston. It's a shame to see the party decline so much in the last months. Me personally I don't really care for UKRP any more. I founded the party, gave it all I had as PP and later member, but when you see that the party is going down so rapidly, you just have to cut yourself lose from it.

UKRP is a (for the moment at least) closed chapter in my book.

BB: Who would win a fight between Bruce Lee and Aquaman, and why

S: Everyone knows that Chuck Norris beats all. Is this a trick question?

BB: As head of Mi5, did you appreciate the irony of being head of an 'intelligence' organisation?

S: I did actually. But I never really saw it as a 'intelligence' organisation. I rather saw it as a "information harvester" (where I saw myself sitting on the harvester with a demins and a sombrero and a straw in my mouth drinking a bottle of Jack daniels behind the wheel.

BB: You are quoted as saying 'communism will never walk'. Why do you think communism will always prefer automotive transport?

S: We capitalists are ahead of you. We use airplanes. Now go cry in some corner, filthy leftist.

BB: Other than having you as general secretary, why did Atlantis fail?

S: Sweden attacked Germany. Simple.

BB: Your favourite alliance was named after a city that sank, and it broke apart. Another major alliance, Peace, was named after a concept some people believe can never last, and it broke apart. Are the namers of such alliances retarded?

S: I heard Dish came up with ATLANTIS and Nicolae came up with PEACE... so in that case I would answer with "yes, deffo".

BB: Your time as an eUK forum admin was marred first by accusations of being too strict, but then by lenience and failure to deal with 'spam'. Is it fair to say in hindsight you were a tad incompetent?

S: Failure to deal with 'spam'? Huh? I was accused of "leaking" info from a private board. (though it was already "leaked" by 2 other people before me and was randomly known by everyone on IRC) I was also accused of "leaking" a link that could be found in a public sections of the public eUSA forum. (Please explain how you can leak something public??) But anyway; same as with the UKRP chapter. I look back on it as a good time. I had allot of fun, spent allot of time improving the forums (setting up "non-erepublik discussion", the knights of spamallot,...) but I have no regrets of what happened. I did what had to be done (informing the public that congress was being lied to) and that's all there is to that.

BB: Finally, If a European person were to attempt to take over the world in real life, the first step would, undoubtedly, be to become leader of some kind of European super-state. I believe Herman Van Rompuy is trying to take over the world in name of Belgium! I have caught you guys red-handed! You dirty chocolate-gorging Tin Tin-fanboys! WHAT HAVE YOU TO SAY IN DEFENCE OF YOUR COUNTRYMEN?!

S: I don't like Herman VR either. But he's the first frontline against filthy communists like yourself.... In fact I suspect this newspaper to be filthy communist. I'm going to report it and you can expect Herman with his private army of chocolatemen (his uber trained person army, kinda like the SS) on your doorstep soon.

Next Edition: It will most likely be former chancellor, Arthur Wellesley