The battle of Sofia - the most epic battle of v3!

Day 1,377, 03:55 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by PhiK

___________________________The perfect clip for this day _________________________
Aragorn's speech at the Black gate. The free man against the countless armies of evil 😃

There were the battles of Rhone alps
The battle of Hello Kitty
The battles of Lion King

And many great battles in v1 and maybe in v2 which I missed.

What's the main feature of v3? Especially with the new points system ala "Pull the rope" and ONE's bot domination?

There are no more epic battles

But not today! Today we, the bulgarians, and our countless allies stood against the oppression.

Everybody expected us to crumble against world's super power №1.
To beg for peace
To wait for us to be deleted and start guerilla warfare.

But we and our allies had other plans! This day WE fought!.

Serbia's capital fell with such an ease that some people maybe even missed this battle:

And everybody thought - they must at least get Sofia. They are the rulers of the world. The strongest. The most clever.

They thought wrong

Yeah. The tanking was huge. But have not ONE's forces tanked as well? And are even 50 million enough when the differences between the alliances are so big?

No. It wasn't the tanking. It was our inner strenght and determination and this of our allies. This helped us take the battle.

THANK YOU ALLIES. You made history today

Hail Romper, Flausino, Argrob, Grocker, antjerci, Ashwamedth, vasspana, Ion Dragomirus, Collinar, liewan012, Fanis81, Idagakash and many, many others!

Hail Croatia, Greece, Romania, Brazil, China, USA, India, Russia and all our other allies!

Hail to the bulgarian people! Fail AMitrev and the other medalists!

David defeated Goliath