The Battle Hero Medal Pending List [Part 2]

Day 682, 05:17 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by the blasphemer

This is a new article, since the original one is out of top rated 5, and people should be able to see this.

I already talked about the advantages of fighting alone against many countries in TW, and the foreign players that will come here to fight, but before that happens, we can use the time gap, and win ourself some BW Medals cheap!


Well, we can make an agreement who will fight what day, and spare ourself some gold!

Who ever is interested in medal and has enough of gold to pull it through should post a comment here, that way we can come up with a plan / or a list...

Requirements (optional):

>Military rank: General
>Strength level: 10+
>Gol😛 25-30 / 20 for backup

I don't think we have many interested players so we can pull this of in next few days, before the foreigners come...and if they want, they can join the project too...

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THE LIST (for now):

> Jura52

Fighting now:
> Red_Baxter

Fighting next:
> the blasphemer

To go soon:
> William Sussman
> Christopher Henderson
> DaLe
> Korak
> Dimitri Polumbryk
> Carmen Polo
> wudu

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