The Battle for the UK - Day 1710

Day 1,710, 04:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue
This article is aimed at explaining the current events in the UK, in terms that the newest player can understand, yet has all the details an experienced player looks for.

Looking at the UK on the map

There are currently three nations (besides the UK) that hold regions that belong to the UK these are: Germany, Ireland and Poland. Germany holds; the North West of England, the North East of England and the East Midlands. Ireland holds Northern Ireland and Scotland but this not of concern to the UK, as once Germany are forced out the UK will look to restore an economic swap with Ireland where the UK gets Dublin and Louth and Ireland gets Scotland and Northern Ireland. Poland are one of the UK's largest allies and they have attacked France who invaded the UK. Poland have successfully gained control of all regions France took from the UK. Poland is likely to hold all of these regions (Wales, the West Midlands, the South West of England, the South East of England and the East of England) to protect them from Germany until the UK can remove the German occupation.


France puts out much more damage than the UK daily. But by working with allies the UK has successfully removed France from UK soil.

When I wrote about this subject a week ago France owned much of the UK, but today France has been removed from the UK, and Poland has wiped France from the map completely (France does not even own one French region).

The UK needs to continue to fight smart and use all the tools in the box to defeat its enemies. Come online and fight when you wake up, come online before you go to sleep at night, and drop in anytime you can inbetween.


With France removed, Germany is now the focus of UK attention. Germany is much stronger than the UK in terms of its daily damage output. The UK needs to realise this when fighting against this nation and should act selflessly to defeat this enemy. The UK needs to maximise cooperation and efficiency and to build long term prosperity for the nation as a whole. Thinking outside the box for to ways to improve the UK is a must if the UK is to achieve success.

The UK and Ireland

A while back the UK and Ireland signed a peace deal that benefits both the UK and Ireland greatly. The alliance that France and Germany are part of (T/EDEN) helped return the Irish regions that the UK gained from this peace deal therefore practically ending the trade. The UK has not taken back Northern Ireland and Scotland as there is hope that once Germany is removed, a peace deal can be attempted with Ireland, and it saves days and days leaving these regions with Ireland.

The UK does not want people starting resistance wars in Scotland or Northern Ireland.


A week ago, Poland attacked France in the South East of England. Poland managed to break the stalemate between the UK and its enemies (France and Germany). The UK is grateful for Poland's help and the long term friendship between the UK and Poland is one of the longest and strongest friendships in eRepublik.

Poland occupies much of the French homeland, so UK forces would be wise to fight for Poland if the French attack any of Poland's regions in mainland Europe.

The UK

Under the occupation the UK population has dropped to 3240. The UK wants and needs as many people to stick it out and work towards a greater UK, not just on the battlefield, but in politics, business, the media and socially. The UK also wants people to advertise the game to friends so more people join/return to the game so the nation has more people to take the country forward.

Increasing player retention (keeping people playing) is hugely important too. Have a look at these efforts to increase player retention:

UK military news/Free weapons

The UK Ministry of Defence puts out articles every few days. These inform players where to their fights are most needed and there is the possibility for any UK player to get free weapons. To get 4 Q6 weapons for free, comment at the bottom of the MoD articles with this: Call to Arms o7 The blue writing here is a link to the Ministry of Defence newspaper.


The NHS offers players under 30 days old, 400 health a day (40 Q5 food), until they reach 1 month old. This means you can save up money for companies and weapons instead. The blue writing here contains a link to the NHS application form.

New player guide

The UK has a great guide for new players created by Kravenn. Have a look at it by clicking on the blue writing here.

I would recommen😛

- Checking out the UK media.
- If you are a UK citizen consider joining a political party and a military unit.
- Consider joining the unofficial erepublik-UK forum:
- Explore the game and think about what you want your future to be.
- Add like minded people to your friends list, this will help you communicate and grow.

Wars to keep an eye on

The UK and allies vs Germany and allies (East Midlands):

UK RW vs Germany (North East of England):

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The Battle for the UK - Day 1710:

All UK citizens that comment below with Call to Arms o7 will receive 4 Q6 weapons.