The Banana Press : Seanlam running for November Congress Election

Day 733, 09:53 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by seanlam

Dear eMalaysian,

I, Seanlam would like to announcing that I will run for November Congress Election for Sabah region under the DAP ticket. This will be mine second time to contest in congress election. And not sure if this is time is a lucky or unlucky attempt. Vote me if you trust me!

Here is my little introduction to mine platform cum background. I'm looking forward to serve for eMlalaysian for second time again. If I was destiny to lose in this election, I will still pursue the plan that I wish to see.

Well, this is my little background , and experienced that I had gained from day one I was born in eMalaysia :
► 1st term congress representative for Peninsular Malaysia (October election) , under DAP flag
► Current Ambassador to eSouth Africa
► Editor-in-chief of The Banana Press
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National policies

Below is my stan😛
Domestic (Education): (1) We needed a stronger 'Mentor-Mentee' program so that we will be able to produce a newbie with sustainability and independence sounds. (2) its time for us to created more structured education system in our nation. I subscribe to CDV's plan as well SetsunaX's blueprint. Its a failure and shame to eMalaysian Government education system if the newbie can't survive in eWorld!

Domestic (Administration) : (1) I will push for changing our forum board as well our national official newpapers to use eMalaysian instead of the Federation of South East Asia (FRoSEA). I borrow a quote from Vikta, "..FRoSEA had died months ago...". We shall use the term eMalaysia from 25th November 2009 onwards. Even if I lose this election, I will still pushing this plan to the government of day. (2) We shall creating an apprentice programe to train those young leader and assigned them to relevant government ministries and works together with their senior / superior. So that we won't faced the brain drain problem. We need new blood in the government. (3) I purpose the government of day to created a committee for each ministry,the members of this committee shall be participate by those doesn't hold any cabinet post, and only selected congressman will involve. Thus, the sharing of expertise and opinion can be uphold to the greatest point.

Foreign: Neutrality is our survival kits in eWorld. I don't see any urgency for us to join any groups likes Eden and Peace. I support Sol alliance. We shall not felt under pressure due to foreign threat as we're independence and sovereignty eNation. We don't need foreign nations to interfere and teach us how to run the nation.

Economics: I subscribe to the idea to prepared an umbrella / parasol before raining, we shall cut down unnecessary expenses. Only then our nation could be more prosper.

Immigration: Maybe we shall creating a spreadsheet to be fill by our future applicant. We can fully utilized the Google DocsTM application here. So that we can easily traced and follow up the application process. This shall save us much time.

Lastly, I would like to send my BIG thanks to mine boss, Badlands17 the President of Party for DAP for allowing me to contest in the November election. I will still pursue the change that I had highlighted even if I lose in this coming election. Ok, its time to called it a day now. Please don't forget to cast your vote!

editor-in-chief of The Banana Press,
eMalaysian ambassador for eSouth Africa,
eMalaysian Congressman in Peninsular Malaysia

p/s: good luck. God bless you all 🙂

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