The balls of the Lolls

Day 1,144, 13:17 Published in Romania Romania by Wallachian
Well it seems that my article was abusively deleted and I have received 1 FP for Racism even if my article has nothing to do with racism.

So here it is again. If you keep deleting my articles for stupid reasons better ban me completely!

Unless its a Lolish moderator who doesn`t have a sense of humor!


"The balls of the lolls"

It seems that my articles are very popular in Loland. In yesterday`s article I gathered 40 to 50 comments from some of the most respectable members of the Lolish community.
Many of them seemed to be frustrated about one thing, and one thing only... their balls, which they call "lolandballs".
Because i did not know what are they referring to, I grabbed the dictionary and took a look. Here`s what I have foun😛

Balls - bravado, courage; GUTS. In this sense, "balls" still means "testicles," but "having balls" implies bravado. Having large "balls" or many "balls" implies even more bravado. (The "having testicles" = "bravado" relationship exists in other languages, e.g. "tener cojones" in Spanish.)

So far so good. But what are the lolandballs, the object of Lolish people frustration? Well, here it is:

Lolandballs - mockery of the slag term "balls", lolandballs are way smaller, microscopic even,(probably that`s why they cant find them)the complete opposite of "Balls of Steel". If "having balls" implies bravado, the "lolandballs" implies cowardice, treachery and occasionaly backstabbing

It was also quite worrisome how all the lolandballs definitions were traced back to another term, that of eunuch. It seems that having lolanballs is pretty much the same with having NO balls at all.

So, that`s it folks. Mystery solved! Not only in regard with the lolandballs but also in regard with some of the traits of character that their owners lack.
Now its easy to understand the jealousy and frustration which not having "balls of steel" can cause.

So please do not make fun of the Lolish people anymore! What is happening to them is a tragedy!