The Army Times Hits A Grand Slam!

Day 785, 17:06 Published in USA USA by bombonato
Dateline: Wednesday January 13 (Day 785)
Location: Quantico, Virginia, USA
Reporter: Lt Col George Armstrong "F-Bomb" Custer

Monday's Army Times article about eRep War Criminals drew a bit of attention. A respectable number of Votes, a few added Subscriptions, and a Comments list that shows how our eRep community is largely a fairly intelligent bunch who can express support and disagreement and present alternate points of view without degrading to snotty remarks and name calling.
I thank and congratulate all who contributed to that thread... Rodney King would be pleased to know, we're all getting along just fine.

That article has resulted in the Permabanishment of ALL the featured eRep Criminals, plus the honorable mention of having the swastika avatar removed from the Bonus eRep Criminal.

At least one, possibly more, eRep players followed through, using the Report hyperlink in the article to push the matter along.
Here is a letter which was forwarded to me and is published with the permission of the sender, a former fellow USArmy soldier and current USMarine, Helkz.

They are all banned.
This is what the admins sent me regarding the report.
Thank you for bringing this article to our attention. We have removed avatars where needed and banned citizens with inappropriate names. Please continue to report people who have avatars and names that spread hate and fear in eRepublik.
The eRepublik Team"

See this nice little montage of screenshots, maybe it'll inspire you to get involved because, you see... taking action does work." align="right" border="1">

Now... I want you to know that the "eRep Criminals" article was just to whet your appetite.
I had started off on another topic and got kinda side tracked, the foundation for my intended topic made a full article of its own.
So tune in tomorrow.. or Friday.. I think 2Lt Ralph "Pants" Vundu has something for us tomorrow, and I could use another day to flesh out the piece I really set out to write. If it's as controversial as the last, it might just run for two days for that little bit of added exposure.
And I have another little pet project I might run by y'all on Sunday.. it's done well in private testing, could be time for a pre-launch public test run.

Your Army Times paper is and is not a lot of things.. it is what it is.
We hope you like it enough to keep tuning in, and refer it to your friends.

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Put me in, Coach! I'm ready to play!.

Lt Col George Armstrong "F-Bomb" Custer
USArmy Public Affairs Office
Editor, The Army Times
