The Arctic is Canadian! -OFFICIAL PETITION-

Day 1,049, 08:42 Published in Canada Canada by Chucky Norris
Please Chain shout this article so we can make it international!!!

Good evening citizens of eRepublik

I am writing this letter in response to recent actions, and because of them, today, Day 1049 of the New World, eCanadians have begun to mass quit in protest. We will do so until we've reached our demands. A list of People quitting has been added near the bottom.

For too long have we suffered injustice, For too long have our rights been denied, FOR FAR TOO LONG HAVE WE HAD OUR HISTORY AND HERITAGE BAFFLED!

You can see here that we have more land than any other country, thus ensuring our legitimacy

And this is why we will start this exile from eRepublik, unless the admins see that our demands are met, and they are as follow:

1.Create a new region that will Be named the Arctic Circle
2.The new region shall have borders with Nunavut, Northwest territory, Yukon, Alaska and FER.
3. The new region will have ''WATER'' has high ressource.

What??? You are telling me Water doesn't exist? Well it's time this change as well.

4. A New ressource Called water will be created and will be considered a Raw Material.
5. The ressource Water will be used to create a drinkable product named... CANADA DRY!

Here are some Media to back up our claim:

Article 1
Article 2
Article 3
Article 4
Article 5

Still don't believe me yet? Well let me show you why the arctic should be canadian in image:

A Classic Canadian activity: Sunbathing on an ice shelf

A vessel from the Canadian Navy patrolling OUR National Waters

a very casual trip in the arctic using a skidoo

Here we can se.... Who the hell left that lying around??? Nevermind, it's irrelevant, let's move on.

[/i] Ah this is what I was looking for, Canadians working in the arctic. WE CAN HAZ SOVEREIGNTY!!![/i]

NOW... I think our point has been proven and our patience tested, but further insult to our great society will be met with harsh measure. If nothing is being done, the following citizen will quit eRepublic until our demands are met on every single point. We will not be silenced, no matter what the rest of the world thinks, we have rights over this non-existant region!


Anonymous Canadian#1
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Want More? I could go on and on with all these people that have joined the movement!

If you want to help, Chain shout this article to make it international!

Chucky Norris
Founder of the ''Arctic to Canadians'' movement

Note: Hey folks, if you really take this seriouly... you really need to ligthen up. Bringing Real life problem in an online game will never fix things, it's only making it worst and worst for everybody else playing. If we wanted to join an activist club we would be elsewhere. We are here to enjoy ourself and play a GAME, please keep this in mind.

And to be quite honest, the admins have a pretty crappy job dealing with us all the time. Yeah they make mistakes from time to time. But what is happening right now... No matter what they do, they can't make EVERY single citizen happy. For all I care they could introduce the Nation of the Lost city of Atlantis. As long as it creates a new dimension of playability it's all good. Give them a break alright? That is all I had to say on the matter.