Day 1,163, 01:13 Published in Greece Greece by Count Miden

The USA forces coming from the east through Iran.

It will take about 7 hours to reach the borders of Turkey, and about 24 hours to declare war ,if i'm not wrong. The question is if USA wants to declare war on eTurkey, We can make only suppositions about their intentions. Their president has admited talks with Greece and Turkey. We need an arbitrage to find a solution?

and why someone else must dictate the solution we gain by guns? and real money?
The plans of the American president are not so clear, what if USA attacks an old EDEN member for fun?

We need to hear some more clear plans Mr president

Now about the conflict with Tukey:
If we lose the battle of Black sea, Turkey gains the initiative and can attack us within 24 hours, because yesterday their congress declared Greece as a natural enemy.

Until now the results have saw that we can repel a Turkey's attack,

and manage the resistance wars, from tomorrow only one rw it will be allowed by the game meccanics, but we will have 2 in Turkey and Cyprus.

Some sourses said that eTurkey is already in the PANAM alliance

But what if the Usa proved hostile to Greece?
Maybe is the time to consider an Alliance of European countries to balance PANAM?

Is the time for a NEW EDEN to rise?

Finally i want to thank my voters in the Greek congress elections for their trust in me