The American Call for War

Day 726, 23:45 Published in USA USA by Woxan

In the past few days, there has been a strong call for war by the United States, and for good reason. War lets us stay productive, rank up, and keeps our citizens active. Many of our citizens can't afford to move around to get in daily battles; these are what war games are for, but don't produce the full economic and ranking benefits of war.

War makes countries strong. Look at Romania, Hungary, Indonesia, or Poland. Active war made them strong. When war slows down, your country risks a massive crash (see Indo). War is essential to retain citizens and expand and maintain a country's interests. It boosts our economy and lets the government and business owners alike rake in the dough.

Unfortunately, we find ourselves in a bind. Two countries that attacked us (Indo and Colombia) and are now hiding behind countries we lack a war with (Japan and Mexico, respectfully). Attacking Russia trips Hungary into the MPPs, and while I would love to kill many redcoats (I challenge Emerick as to who can get more), we would trip a possibly lethal set of MPPs at this moment in time.

The best thing to do now is fight against Indonesia in Malaysia to continue to rank up and skill. Let our enemies weaken financially as they collapse due to the burden of carrying big MPPs to fend us off. The next course of action is to recruit more people. We have the largest population of internet users in the world. Just getting a minuscule percentage of these people here will make us incredibly stronger. Population is firepower. Each citizen pays taxes, deals damage, and contributes. If we want to overcome the MPP walls around us, we'll have to get through them with a combination of tact and force. I challenge you to recruit a friend this week. You have a Facebook, or a job, or school, or something of the sort. Add one more voice to the 4,600 among us.

Through population, we gain strength and ideas. With those, we can strategically defend our allies and bring down the barriers surrounding us.

PS. 22:30 GeorgeWashington I STAND READY TO KILL RED COATS