The 5th Jacobi Cabinet

Day 737, 21:19 Published in Canada Canada by Jacobi
Presentation and the Cabinet.

We learned a sad and terrible truth last election, my friends. We learned that a time honored and tested tradition in Canadian politics, one that used to have significant impact on the process, no longer carries much weight. We learned that presentations and cabinets will make little difference on the election’s final results. As my verbose friend Banach lamented, we saw the death of the auto-form.

It is very possible that this upcoming election will be decided on brand names. It is possible that whatever I’m writing today won’t change more than 3 or 4 votes come election day. Yet, it is important to me and I think important to the process that I observe a very meet tradition. Just one voter deservers the right to know where I intend on taking the country from December 5th on, and who I intend to help me in my Team. I will give that voter the information they need, even if it doesn’t matter to everyone else.

This post will delve into the make up and composition of the Cabinet. These are the major players of the next Jacobi administration, as they will not only be charged with important areas of direct control, some will in fact have Ministers or teams working under them. And instead of the traditional method of cabinet, which is a simple list or perhaps a small blurb about how awesome // well suited that person is, I decided to give detailed information about that persons area of responsibility, what the job entails and what they’ll be working with, who they are, and why I’ve selected them for that position. In doing so I hope to give you an idea of what I expect from each cabinet member, and where I want the government to go in the next 30 days.

So, without further adieu, here is the Cabinet, in the December Jacobi Administration

President: Jacobi

Organization: Revenue Canada (and access to all others)

Vice President:

The Vice President holds several constitutional responsibilities, the most important of which to serve as President during times that the President is absent. This in fact has come up in the past, with both William Duncan and Kelly Mahoney serving as President when I was away for a few days. The Vice President also is a sort of partner in labors, with specific focus on their responsibilities in the civilian Chain of Command. The Vice President is someone I trust, someone I have confidence in, and someone I believe could take over for me during absences. That person in December, will be Nosyt.


DOB: March 10, 2009
Level 20 General, Three terms in Congress, 8 times hard worker, current President of the Canadian Social Democrats. ~hyuu~ enthusiast.

Nosyt is active, approachable, engaged, and knowledgeable. He is well liked and respected among active Canadians, and someone with proven competency at administration and organization. He is, more than all that, someone that I trust. I would trust Nosyt, in the event of my absence, with the government of Canada. I will be happy to have him as a leader, and as Vice President of our country.

Chief Minister:

If Nosyt will be my executive officer, focusing on military and diplomatic affairs and serving as a representative on my behalf, the Chief Minister is the Second Officer, serving as the, aptly enough, chief domestic minister, with Education, Immigration, Health, Justice, Communication, Official Languages, and the Auditor General all reporting to this office. The Chief Minister is the jack of all trades, his fingers in many pies. Special assignments to him are routine, as the Chief Minister must also make use of his time to make sure the Ministers underneath him have the support that they need. If there’s a problem in one of those Ministries, it will be the job of the Chief Minister to correct that problem, or to recommend to the President a change in cabinet. The Chief Minister in the December Jacobi Administration will be Treian.

Treian, OC

DOB: March 30, 2009
Level 19 General, Three terms in Congress and as a hard worker, current President of the Canadian National Coalition, and former Presidential candidate for the CNC and CPF, Member of the Order of Canada.

It is safe to assume that if I supported Treian for the Presidency in November, I do have the confidence that he could do a job of a similar responsibility. The Chief Ministry is a perfect complement to a leader who has had multiple terms in Congress, holds broad confidence across party lines, and has delegation experience as a leader of a Party Cabinet. Treian makes sense, and I’m glad he’s accepted.

Minister of Defense

Organization: Canadian National Defense, (by extension, CAF Supply Branches)

Simply put, the Minister of Defense is the first rung on the civilian chain of command, the direct conduit between the President and the CAF for information, needs, and desires. The Minister of Defense, in that regard, holds many hats. He must be able to formulate strategy with the Allied Command, represent Canada’s military to Congress, support the military chain with issues of supply, issue orders to the Canadian people when necessary and issue orders to the CAF when needed. This is not a position for the faint of heart, which is why I’m glad the courageous Chucky Norris has stepped up to the plate.

Chucky Norris, KMM

DOB: January 30, 2009
Level 21 Field Marshal, Current Director of Foreign Relations, first term Congressman, 8 times hard worker, Knight of the Order of Military Merit
Chucky Norris, beyond his kick ass name, has been a mainstay of the CAF for quite some time, and there is no doubt in my mind that his presence at MoD will help ease the responsibilities of our Brigadier General, Ramizeth. As a bonus, his recent experience at Foreign Affairs will allow him to use the contacts he’s made to further our military coordination. I am excited to have him join the team, and am quite looking forward to his results.

Deputy Minister of Defense: JB Divinus

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Organization: Canadian Foreign Aid

The Minister of Foreign Affairs has perhaps the largest team to manage beyond the President himself, responsible as he is for the Ambassador Corps. The Minister’s most immediate priority will be standardize training and support across this very important group. The Minister is also an extra pair of hands for the President, representing Canada abroad at meetings and summits, as well as gaining and maintaining contacts that can be used as the needs arise. The Minister will also manage the Canadian Foreign Aid company.

Gaius Julius Caesar00

DOB: April 13, 2009
Level 19 Colonel, current President of the Canadian Paradox Party, former CSD Presidential nominee, four time hard worker, and four time Congressman.

Caesar00 has talked much about having the opportunity to bring our ambassadors the training and information they need to be effective, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, he will have that opportunity. And as anyone who has known him in the last three terms in Congress has seen, he is a leader full of ideas on how to improve our country. I look forward to his energy and enthusiasm in managing this important file.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs: Jfstpierre

Minister of Finance

Organization: Canadian Ministry of Finance

The Minister of Finance serves an important role for both the Executive and Legislative branches of Government, as the Chief Economic Officer. The Finance Minister has his eyes on the Canadian economy more than any official, and makes weekly reports to Congress and the President on changes needed to the Canadian tax system and on areas where government intervention might alleviate surplus situations on the resource markets. The Minister of Finance will also have a seat on the treasury board and work with the Minister of National Revenue on the budget. My choice for this position, is TaiwanPanda

TaiwanPanda, OOC

DOB: May 10, 2009
Level 20 General, 6th time Congressman, 5 time hard worker and 1 time society builder, Officer of the Order of Canada

TaiwanPanda is one of Canada’s preeminent businessmen, able to use his real world knowledge of economics to generate a vast wealth in game. TP knows the Canadian economy, and will be able to generate information in context to increase our GDP and reduce our dependency on high quality imports.

Minister of Immigration

Organization: Immigration Canada

The Minister of Immigration has two major tasks: to work with the Ministry of Education to identify new players, encourage their participation in the forums through gifts and weapons, give moving tickets to new players in non hospitaled regions, and to coordinate with CSIS and Congress so that citizenship applications are being processed quickly. It is one of the thankless jobs of cabinet, but it is proof that the thankless jobs are most often the most important. The Minister of Immigration that I have in mind for this task, is Ozymandias Malifozik.

Ozymandias Malifozik

DOB: August 3, 2009
Level 18 Captain, two term CNC Congressman, and three times hard worker

Ozymandias represents part of the new guard emerging in ecanada, people born during or after the War. However, despite his relative youth, I am confident that a Congressman of his activity and talents will be able to help his fellow citizens adjust to eCanada in the most positive and progressive way possible.

Deputy Minister of Immigration: Jacques Parizeau

Minister of Health

Organization: Canadian Health Services, Meals on Wheels Canada

The Minister of Health works with the Minister of Industries and other gift companies to provide Canadians with low cost gifts in situations where they either are below 40 health or just wanting that one extra fight. The Minister of Health also works with his Deputy to administer the Canadian Meals on Wheels program for vacationing players. The Minister of Health for December will be James Wiens

James Wiens

DOB: August 10, 2009
Level 17 Colonel, first time CSD Congressman, and two times hard worker

James is another member of that new guard, players who will shape the future of our country as we go into Version 2. With the help of Treian and other members of the cabinet, I am confident that he will be one of the stars of the future!

Deputy Minister of Health: 20persons

Minister of Education

Organization: Ministry of Education Canada

The Minister of Education is at the front line of our efforts to involve new players in ecanada, coordinating with Immigration, Health, and Communication to identify needs, and then deliver resources, tools and guides to new Canadians. The Minister of Education has a tough job, and will have to manage a team of greeters who will message as many new Canadians as they can find to get them on the right path to success. Who better then, to run this Ministry then the man who started it himself, Booleus?


DOB: June 10, 2009
Level 19 General, current Minister of State and first Minister of Education, one time DAL Congressman, and 5 times hard worker.

Booleus came up with the Ministry of Education, and Booleus ran with it. I had confidence in his abilities before, and they have only grown since. His natural talent and experience make him the perfect choice in this important position.

Minister of National Revenue

Organization: Royal Canadian Mint

The Minister of National Revenue has two major tasks that are fundamental to economic planning. One, he, with the Prime Minister, Finance Minister (and with input from others) crafts and presents the budget to Congress. He also has the pleasant task of regulating the Canadian dollar, to ensure an effective and stable supply of money to keep our economic system running at an even keel. It takes a big name for the big job at National Revenue, so naturally I turned to Sir DeLaShaunRon Smith

Sir DeLaShaunRonSmith

DOB: May 12, 2009
Level 20 General, former leader of the Canadian Paradox Party, two term congressman, three time hardworker and six (SIX!) time society builder.

I need someone I trust at Revenue, and I trust Shaun. I trust his work ethic, I trust his loyalty to Canada, I trust his honor, and I trust his organizational abilities. Having someone like him on the same page at Revenue is important, and I’m eager to work with him from day one on the budget and Canadian dollar.

Auditor General: Cypher Rahl

Minister of Public Safety

The Minister of Public Safety is the governments representative to the admin board, and the IRC channel operators. He serves, in the President’s stead, as an acting administration in his own right, and works with his Deputy to ensure the security of Canada’s web assets. Computer skills are not merely recommended, but required. In December, our Minister will be Chamrajnagar.

Chamrajnagar, OC

DOB: June 12, 2009
Level 19 Colonel, former CSD Presidential candidate, former Minister of Finance, three term congressman, four time hard worker, society builder, and member of the Order of Canada.

Cham-wow is extremely easy to work with as Minister’s go, active, engaged, and knowledgeable in a variety of erepublik applications. He might be running for President in January, but there’s no reason I can’t use him in December! I look forward to him in his role at Public Safety.

Deputy Minister of Public Safety: Neoice

Minister of Justice:

I want a working constitution. I want someone to advise me on Supreme Court candidates, and I want a working constitution. Did I mention I wanted a working constitution? Adasko will make that happen.

Adasko, OC

DOB: January 13, 2009
Level 20 General, 7 time CSD Congressman and party Vice President, 7 time hardworker, former Minister of Justice, and Member of the Order of Canada.

I want a constitution, I want it to be flexible, I want it to support Canada, and I want it to not enrage every single member of the Canadian nation. Adasko will give us that or die trying.

Attorney General: Scrabman

Minister of Industry

Organization: Minister of Industries, Shinra Electric Power Company

The Minister of Industry control thousands in gold of Canadian companies and assets, he has the power to change the economy, he has the awesome responsibility to prepare Canada’s stockpiles for war and peace. He works with several Ministries and is needed on a daily basis. And as always, as one of the biggest jobs it also gets the least thanks. A mature leader is needed at Industries, and that leader will be Citizen B

Citizen B, CC

DOB: May 9, 2009
Level 20 General, former Leader of DAL, 4 time Congressman, long time Minister of Industries, 5 time hard worker, Companion of the Order of Canada, most friended citizen in Canada.

Citizen B and I may disagree on this that or the other thing. There is one thing he is not allowed to disagree with me with: That he has been the best Minister of Industries Canada has ever had. I am lucky to have him in cabinet.

Minister of Communication

Organization: Ministry of Information

The Minister of Communication is perhaps the area I’m most excited about in the next 30 days in terms of social value and fun. The Minister of Communication will continue to publish information from the government Ministries, work with Education guides, and training war orders, certainly. The Minister of Communication will also start a project to showcase Canadian content on a media mogul newspaper, giving budding authors and artists a high profile outlet to showcase their talents, interviews on topical subjects with prominent Canadians….really….an eCBC, news, entertainment, and perhaps fantasy sports. Though I hope for help from the WGC, the person who will be the government’s point man on all this will be Greg McNeish.

Greg McNeish

DOB: September 17, 2009
Level 16 Captain, CNC first term Congressman and hard worker.

Another New Guard member with a bright future, Greg will have his plate full for the month of December if all goes well. However, with the support of his cabinet colleagues, his Deputy, and myself, I think at the end of December we’ll a great boost in eCanadian culture and content because of his efforts.

Minister of Heritage

The Minister of Heritage has an important job, if not quite as splashy as others. Besides working with the Minister of Communication to find and publish Canadian content, the Minister of Heritage is custodian of the eCanadian wiki, compiling information in both official languages in an accurate and up-to-date manner. I am happy to say that my pick, Zblewski, has accepted my offer to be Minister of Heritage.


DOB: August 5, 2008
Level 17 Private, Former Leader of the CSD, former member of the Triumvirate, two time hard worker, beta giant, and apparently a pacifist.

Zblewski is a link to the past, have first hand experience of Canada’s past. With wiki knowledge and history at his fingertips, resourceful describes him to a T, and someone who is as resourceful and hardworking as Zblewski is an asset at the Ministry of Heritage.

Deputy Minister of Heritage: Alexander Keith

Minister of Official Languages:

The staunch defender of Canada’s bilingualism, the Minister of Official Languages promotes not just the translation of official government announcements but use of French in our predominately English population. The Minister should be fluently bilingual as a matter of course, since he will work with the Ministry of Communication to promote eQuebecois culture. My choice for such a position is Arche8


DOB: August 11, 2009
Level 17 Captain, current Government Liaison for the Francophone Community, and two times hard worker.

I believe he is best suited for this position much for the same reason that Booleus is the perfect fit for Education: Arche8 himself defined the parameters of the role. As President, I have always been a strong supporter of the French language in Canada, and I hope that Arche8 can make some headway into its use.

President of the Treasury Board

Organization: National Bank of Canada

The President of the Treasury Board has the task of working with Moffington, TaiwanPanda, and two others chosen by Congress to one simple en😛 To provide grants (not loans!) to exporting resource companies willing to upgrade the qualities of their products. Given a small but significant budget, the Treasury Board will assess applications by companies who can significantly benefit from quality upgrades, using their vast economic knowledge. The President of the Treasury board will keep records of which companies received grants, where the contracts for grants are located, the amount paid, and when the upgrade occurred. The Treasury board will be constrained by a limit of up to 25% of the cost of upgrade per organization or 20 gold, whichever is lower and the applicant will be contractually required to upgrade within 2 days of receiving the grant, or will then forfeit the gold. To run such an enterprise, I turn to a man that many have turned to before: Alexander Rearden

Alexander Rearden, OMM

DOB: June 5, 2008
Level 21 General, longest serving finance minister in Canadian history, former CAF General, four time Congressman, 9 time hard worker, and Officer of the Order of Military Merit.

Alexander Rearden would be canonized as a Saint of Modern Canadian economics, up there with his nemesis, Dean22. His experience and sagacity, respect and reputation, are critical in a role which has the potential of being rife with favoritism. Someone of his caliber is required to make this work, and I am convinced that such a grant program could not work if a less experienced person was not at the helm. Luckily for us and for exporters, that is not the case.