The 3rd eCanadian Awards

Day 1,019, 08:38 Published in Canada Canada by The eCanadian Awards
Anyone who feels like making a picture about the eCan Awards for me, please do it

Ladies and Gentlemen:

I have in fact re-awakened this dinosaur, after months of inactivity. Hopefully that was enough time for some genuine talent to come out that is worthy of an eCanadian Award.

For those who do not know how these awards work, allow me to demonstrate the TL😉R

1.You nominate people for different awards through this form.
2.If you are nominated, you get PM’ed by this org saying, you’ve been nominated.
3.On the 11th of this month, there is a LIVE awards ceremony on the IRC channel #eCan-Awards .

That’s basically all there is to it.

Rules: You cannot nominate yourself
No org nominations accepted.
The nominees have to be eCanadian
I will only accept the first 4 judges who come forward

The Categories for the September 11th, eCanadian Awards

Best Writer
Best Politician
eCanadian With Best Initiative
Most Conservative
Most Liberal
Best Satire
eCanadian most likely to join the circus
Most Interesting eCanadian
Meanest eCanadian
Best Economist
Most Likely to be on Survivor
Craziest eCanadian
Best Rookie
Best eCanadian

Descriptions for each category are in the form that was linked above.

I hope to see everyone there, if you have any questions, send it in a PM or a comment down belo

Creator and Director of the eCanadian Awards