That Was Close

Day 917, 19:15 Published in USA USA by Joe Newton
Well, we lost. That sucks. But let's accept it and be the bigger man.

Let us look at the pros. Serbia definitely spent a huge amount of gold. As I've stated before, all Phoenix is doing is angering a sleeping Dragon. China can now shell out near 1 million damage, and their still growing. EDEN even offered them membership. It would be wise for them to try and talk to China about coming over to Phoenix, but fortunately that won't happen because they refuse to even respect China and it's Independence.

Time is on our side, my fellow Americans. China is our friend, and that Lion is their original region. All original regions will eventually return to the owner. And with us here to aid our friends, it will be sooner rather than later. And now we know the lay of the land even better.

Oh yeah. We also still have K-land.

-Joe Newton,
Adviser to the President, Director of the OPO

"Victory is sweetest when you've known defeat."">