Thanks Bro

Day 1,029, 00:57 Published in USA Indonesia by psy_cho

Once again Brolliance have shown that they are really "Bro". I give my respect to you. Thank you for giving a huge damage in WA RW yesterday. Australians are certainly grateful to have you as their ally.

You have to give WA to "the right country" that will unleash the potential of WA to the max. So everyone in WA is avoided from bad payment and the strangling tax.

But it is not finished yet. Please help us to provide decent wages and taxes for the citizens of Australia. Help us in the next two war to give the NT and South Australia to "the right state". So there'll be more Australians who will receive better payment and tax.

although I am citizen of Indonesia, but I admire US because US has consistently helped their ally more than other country.

with this article, I represent the people of Australia who would like to thank you all for your attention and your help in these last three months.

Thanks Bro

* I publish this article in America because America has the highest population in Brolliance. If you want to vote my newspaper, I am not going to stop you. 😉