Thanks Australia

Day 1,111, 09:07 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by psy_cho

Dear my fellow Australian

The reason i write this article is not to say sympathy, pity or insult you. I create this article was to send my respect for the fierce battle we have done

We are in different side specially when you help the U.S. attack Sumatra and Java. That action put yourself into the list of our enemies. So please don't ever say that we like to bully small country. I'm sure you already mature enough and understand that every act has consequences.

But after some observation during our battle. Although you are a small country in terms of population and average strength, but still fight to the end. It surprise me because until your last region (NSW) practically you don't have Eden support (although they don't have any major war at that time in Europe).

Australia was known as a very loyal friends in helping ally. I don't have any intention to invite you into the PHX. You've mature enough to think and you may choose your own choices. I just want to say you don't deserve to be treaten like this after seeing all your contributions to your ally.

I have to say that, I feel proud to be in the same battlefield against soldiers from Australia. You never never give up and give all you've got. We salute you

President of eIndonesia
