Thank you, Japan.

Day 564, 16:49 Published in Japan Japan by TheMakoto

Thank you.

I wish to thank the people of Japan for once more endorsing me to lead this country, to hopefully continue to increase its international standing, its military prowess, to stabilize its economy and expand its community and democracy.

I wish to thank the other candidates, first and foremost Sophia Forrester, for participating in this democratic process and thus allowing the people of Japan to make a choice.

I wish to thank the people of Korea for smoothly integrating into our democratic structures and clearly showing by their ballots that they, too, endorse the recent events that tied our two nations together in a peaceful and cooperative union.

I wish to thank every individual citizen who made the rational choice to give me their trust and thus the responsibility to live up to the multitude of expectations.

You will have noticed that I have been rather quiet in the last days, especially in comparison to my usual level of activity. I wish to apologize for this and hope that the RL reasons behind this will soon be a thing of the past. In any case I promise to rectify the situation and continue to work hard for Japan in cooperation with the many committed and motivated individuals that make up Japan, without whom Japan wouldn't be what it is. The change that has taken Japan is, first and foremost, a change happening at the grassroots level, and is becoming more and more powerful and encompassing as more Japanese citizens decide to get involved and help our country.

Right now, ironically, my time is once again short, which will mean that my first genuine address to the nation, which will also include the announcement of the cabinet positions, will only be brought to you tomorrow. Nevertheless I felt that I owned the people of Japan a first, even if brief, 'thank you' for their continued trust and support.

I hope that this coming month will again show to the world that Japan can excel even though it might be a rather small country - a project we can and must all work on together if it is to succeed.

Forward, Together.