Technical Difficulties

Day 982, 09:05 Published in USA USA by Fionia
Once again, remember that there will be a national primary held on August 2nd. I need your support then, not on the 5th (when your vote should be going to Croatia).">

Due to some minor technical difficulties, anybody who used the gdoc form to apply for a cabinet position will have to reapply.

That form can be found here:

Details about applications can be found in yesterday's article.

My public campaign channel is #Fionia4POTUS on the Rizon IRC newtwork. Feel free to stop by.

As mentioned in my announcement article, you can provide input, suggestions or questions about policy issues and ideals here:

Yes, this is a rather short article, but it was important enough to mention while I am still working on my platform.

As always, thanks for reading, voting, and subscribing. I hope for your support on August 2nd.

Signing off,