T-minus 6 days

Day 1,104, 09:47 Published in South Korea Switzerland by Dan/naD Wilshire
New World Order

The Military

This is part 3 of my CP manifesto. This will probably be one of the shorter ones and has had parts covered in my other two articles, but I will re-go over them and try and expand on them.

Part 1-The National Army

Currently we have a small military force. We have a small all round force and a larger backup force isn’t it something like 1:7 all time: part time? We have a q5 tank company, and a q5 defence system company. The defence system company is currently obsolete as the DS don’t work very well (so I have been told).

I believe that it is necessary to expand our army, maybe not in size but in self-sufficiency. I believe that the army should be self sufficient e.g. Produce its own weapons (Our Q5 tank company) and produce its own food. This way the army won’t drain as much food away from our markets (as food is currently a big topic).

This would mean that we could organise everything from one org. We would always have a store of food as we won’t have big fights every day. If we strengthened the army’s ration to 1:5 it could help benefit us and our allies when we go to war.

But please leave your suggestions to all the topics.

Part 2-MPP’S and Alliances

This has been copied from my other two articles and placed here:

I said in the manifesto that we want to form a new alliance, and we stand by that. We want to make a new power in the eCommunity which unites the weaker powers as one. The Alliance ONE has tried that, but it doesn’t have seemed to do much more than write stuff down on paper (well that’s my view). So we need to build a new one out of its Ashes and really unite the weaker powers. With economic help, Battle help etc.

With this we will have strong links across the whole eWorld and will be able to fight across all the continents with our new allies.

We will stay Eden-Phoenix neutral as much as we can as both are made up of a random mix of countries. It would be better if we just stayed away. If we are going to get MPP’s, we need to get the same amount with each so we stay as neutral as possible. We need MPP’s to fight, but if we have one with Phoenix, and one with Eden we can chose who we want to fight for. We should try and have two MPP’s to start with and as we grow build up from there.

Part 2-Section 2

We will have to work out however how we coordinate help to our allies. We cannot go out all guns blazing and leave our country defenceless. But we cannot leave our allies unprotected. So I propose that we have a military rotor. We get a certain amount of our army to help our allies while the rest wrest up. Then we can role them around so we always have a defensive force ready to fight when needed.

We have a few players who can cause a lot of damage. They have enough money to cause 30k+ damage a round. We need to thank them for this by making it publicly aware of our top fighters in the community. We may be able to use them to help us defend ourselves and our allies.

Part 3-The Nations Defence

We as a nation need protection. Having an army and a MPP’S along with good friends within an Alliance can only go so far. There will be a time where our allies are fighting for their own survival which could leave us along to fend off the enemy.

I like how Clopoyaur was giving out food to eSK fighters in the last battle. I believe that as before we should have a “store of food in a company within the Ministry of Health as it will mean in times of need we will be there to fight our 300 worth’s of wellness a day to save our country. I don’t propose however that we take out our economic force, but have new players filter through the company and produce food at a high wage so we can gain access to them and prepare them for the horrors of the eWorld.

South Korea is our eHome and we need to stand a fighting chance.

Part 4-The South Korean Empire

You may be wondering why I would want something like this. We need some long term goals so that we can give our new players a challenge within the game and give them a reason to stay. If we go to war with eNorth Korea it could give the real South Korean people a reason to join. This would increase our economic power, military power and out political power.

This may have some form of risk, but it is a risk in which we can control it. We have a stronger economy, and a larger population. North Korea’s friendship with Eden, mainly China could be an obstacle. But if we get the support of our MPP’S we can get round that obstacle and complete the task.

Final Note

So that is my Military part. I hope you will give me your feedback so I can know how to improve the manifesto to best benefit South Korea!

Vote Dan/naD Wilshire..... Change is a virtue, don’t let it pass.