System hacked, eRep Account Compromise Inevitable

Day 875, 12:34 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden

Source of hack: UK, port 28104

78 Trojans in PC including such wonderful features:

Key loggers, "e-gold" hack trojans and the like.
Viruses, worms etc are eRep targeted.

Definitely from IRC use...port sniffers..., which, needless to say I won't be using anymore.
I suggest everyone who uses IRC run a sys check and virus scan ASAP.

Obviously, anyone talking to "TFD" on IRC ain't talkin' to me.

For security:

No PMs from me are to be taken as bona fide as of April 13 at 13:00hrs.

jbdivinus: Change all SHIELD PWs ASAP and do not send them
to me VIA PM. Delete ALL PMs from that account.
Nothing is to be reversed until I talk to you on MSN.

Also temp ban my account until further notice.

1ronman: temp ban my eCan forum account until further notice.

Addy Lawrence: Temp Ban my CPF Forum Account so the forums cannot be compromised.
If you can Addy, I suggest moving ALL CPF companies into NON CPF Orgs - as I created them all and are potentially at risk.

jbdivinus will act as my proxy (sorry bud, but I trust you)

Any request from me to reverse any of these precautions is to be disregarded.
I will only verify via jbdivinus that my system has been secured and that I wish to have temp bans removed.

I now go to change all passwords from a different computer.


Just Awesome.

thanks for all the lulz



***UPDATE 1 (13:58hrs): I've changed pws for my citizen, orgs "e Fight Club", "e Project Mayhem",, cpf forums and eCan forums from a separate, SECURE computer.

The only thing that concerns me now is the CPF Orgs.
However, as Addy didn't send me the new PWs when he was elected as PP and I haven't logged into any of them in a month they SHOULD be secure (99% sure). Nor have I logged into the email accounts of them in ages so no key logger would be able to access them.

Thanks for support guys.

PS: If I ever catch ANY hacker personally, even if he/she had nothing to do with this I am going to plow my fist thru your skull.

I couldn't know me

***UPDATE 2:
Everything has been remedied now
(Day 876, 12:30 hrs)

It is probably best that I remain banned from
eCan Forums for a couple more days so I don't
have to read Congress debates.