Sydiot for Nevada

Day 667, 20:29 Published in USA USA by sydiot
Thank you all for taking the time to read this.

My name is sydiot, and I want to serve you in Congress.

I have accepted the Libertarian Party endorsement for Congress in the great state of Nevada and I hope you will give me your vote this term. I am running because I care deeply about how our country is governed, and I hope to contribute my talents and time to helping the United States defeat our enemies and restore our country to prosperity and power. I am extremely thankful to Daphne Lilac and DanielCD who have allowed me to run on our party's ticket and shown their support for my candidacy, and I hope that regardless of party affiliation I can make the citizens of this state and nation proud.

Before anything else, let me say I am firmly committed to ridding PEACE from North America and keeping Indonesian and Hungarian influence on the other side of the planet. Our President, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Military, and brave citizens are doing a great job of making this war of aggression on our soil a terrible pain in our enemy's ass, and I know we're gunna whoop 'em, because unlike them, we will never give up.

My Resume

I have been an extremely active player in eRepublik since my first day about three months ago. I have spent a considerable number of RL hours the last two months in various government positions and I have gained a wealth of game knowledge and made some incredible contacts with leaders at home and abroad. I currently serve as eUS Ambassador to Peru and have strong contacts with the political and military leaders of that country. As a part of my duties there, I write the Cuzco Expatriate (the paper you're reading now) which is Peru's foremost English language publication and possibly the most popular paper in the country. I encourage you to read the backlog of my work in this regard, as I have journaled the daily life and politics of Peru very closely, and have lengthy interviews with some of South America's most influential figures. Under Vice-President PigInZen I was Co-Director of the Office of Organizational Management along with ABC and SonnyD, a special administrative branch charged with increasing efficiency in White House communications and procedures.

In addition to serving in the US government I am an active member of the private outfit eNOVA, and I serve as Ambassador for the group to Peru, Bolivia and Venezuela. I also serve as Press Director of the Libertarian Bulletin, writing our party's official weekly updates as Daphne wills them.

Much of my time is also spent as CEO of McAdden Investments, an investment firm and multinational ownership group that operates companies on three continents and manages an investment fund worth over 600 Gold. I am a student of the economic module, and I have loads of experience with monetary and property markets, as well as labor relations and how the legislature can benefit business in eRepublik.

My Platform

Many of my fellow candidates have outlined vast platforms that they hope to adhere to if elected to office. While I commend their thoroughness and relative knowledge of the issues, I know that as a Congressperson one has a limited influence on national policy as a whole. The only power you all can really grant me with your vote is a voice in legislation, the power to grant citizenship, and an added visibility to my already prolific activity in the game. This is no small power, but it is one that I believe should remain focused on realistic goals that can directly benefit the nation:

1) Legislation

The vast majority of laws passed in the US are no-brainers - Issue USD, Transfer to the CBO, renew and expand our MPPs - and with the enormous talents in our administration and existing Congress I know that most of these will be proposed and voted upon in a nearly unanimous manner. Our monetary policy and budget priorities are debated in the Congressional Caucus before every vote, and as a Congressman I will always fall on the side of good governance and sound economic Mechanicism. The United States has the best allies in the world, and maintaining our MPPs is a major national security priority that should receive no hesitation.

In terms of tax policy, I am a businessman with companies in the United States and I believe that private wealth is the road to military and economic success. That being said, our country is at war and a strong tax revenue is crucial to our functioning government and military. Right now, our military is having trouble raising the funds to arm our men and women in uniform, and I will back any proposal to get them what they need to defeat the enemy. I support some nationalized businesses when it comes to military operated weapons and defense companies, but not having seen the exact metric on these enterprises, I will have to judge for myself on each proposal if elected.

I support our President in a time of war, and I encourage you all to do the same. The vote for President is the most integral choice our voters can make, and I believe our current and future Presidents deserve our support and respect while they serve our country.

2) Citizenship

The United States has a massive backlog of citizenship requests for good reason: we are the greatest country on Earth. As a Congressman I will submit to a thorough review of any applicants and only grant citizenship to those players who have shown a desire and ability to help our country.

3) Influence

I have already had a strong career in government and I'm just getting started. As Congressman I will continue my work as Ambassador to Peru and continue to stress the importance of our engagement witih foreign powers, especially the neutral nations of South America. The Alianza LatinaAmerica is a brotherhood of nations which is, indeed, allied with PEACE. However, there are nations such as Peru who remain neutral in the current conflict and still others that have openly supported the United States and its allies. Just last week, the President of Venezuela was deposed for supporting an MPP with us, and all over the continent there was a great outcry against Colombia's brazen hostility and attack on our southern states. I believe this shows that there is an ideological battle being fought in our neighbors to the South, one that the US must engage in and win for the future of our power in this hemisphere. I have worked diligently at this task and I will continue to do so as a Senator.

I will also put my influence to work in informing our citizens on how they can help the war effort and their own game by fighting, training, and working at high wellness. I admire other candidates like Yang Wenli and Astra Kat G who have extremely active publications that are designed to spread information and news without ideological influence or needless negativity. We are all on the same team, and as a Senator I will do everything in my power to help us win.

If elected, I will donate my 5 Gold medal-award to my congressional district and match it with 10 Gold of my own. With these funds I will serve the people of my state and the country by donating gifts, moving tickets and weapons to the citizens who need it most. As it is, I have spent almost all of my personal wealth fighting in this war, and I will continue to do so through my term and use my influence as Senator to raise awareness of our greatest institutions, such as our Tanking orgs, the Flying Unicorn Squadron, and the newly issued Liberty Bonds. I encourage all Americans to do the same. After all, we want to win the game, don't we? 😉


I am a proud and sexy Libertarian, but some of my closest friends and most dear mentors are in other parties, including the USWP, the SFP, the UIP and Green Party. RL politics and ideology has no place in eRepublik, and I urge voters to make their decisions for office based on a candidates knowledge and activity in the game. For me, the party a person belongs to says less about them than their personality, their talent as a communicator and gamer, and their devotion to the game and the country. Anyone who takes time from their RL to help run the government with integrity and grit is okay in my book!

Closing Thoughts

I hope that you have made it this far. 🙂 If you have any questions about my candidacy or positions, please feel free to contact me directly. I have great confidence in my abilities to add to our national efforts and to serve the country with integrity and intelligence. I hope you see it fit to grant me your vote in this election. I thank you in advance for your support.

As always, FOLLOW YOUR DoD ORDERS, pay your taxes, and eat your vegetables.

