Switzerland Must Unite!

Day 1,047, 13:29 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Mr. Wilcom

Now I know Clifford and King are probably snapping at the computer once they get that translated. 🙂 But I not here to bash them for being traitors.

I'm here to lay out the rules.

-First of all, everyone knows this ,but when need to stop pointing the finger. Everyone that have a news paper in switerland is insulting someone (Including me, I admit my fault). As interesting as the articles are, they need to stop. Because the truth is this is getting us nowhere. Yes, we need to inform the people but you can stop once the point is across. We have to band together, cooperate, and not let any outside force stop us. saying things like "why not increase import taxes on moving tickets" or "should we put an embargo on spain?"

The Unite proposal
-Clifford and King and to the rest of you that are out there I have one thing to say to you. I'm going to wipe the slate clean. It does not matter to me what you've done, where you come from, what language you speak. All that matters to me is that are you here to support switzerland? Because if you are not, get out now. I won't judge you for leaving. But what I will judge you for is for killing switzerland. So here is your only "get out of jail free" card. I'll be the mature one on this matter. But I swear! If you take one wrong move that will harm switzerland and the citizens in it I will pounce on you like a lion on a gazelle. You will wish you never even thought it. But until then are you in agreement with this?

Your loyal swiss congressmen and candidate for SLP party President,
Mr. Wilcom