Sweden gone - 7th of January, 16:36 local time, day 1,509

Day 1,509, 10:16 Published in Sweden USA by Toothpaste

As of today Sweden is gone for the first time from the map of eRepublik. Sweden was wiped by the Russians (with the help of the Finns) at 16:36 local time on the 7th of January 2012 (Day 1,509 of the New World) in the war between the alliance ONE vs EDEN and TERRA. Last stand was made in Bohus - the 20000th battle in eRepublik.

The war against Sweden (ONE) lasted for 18 days (18 days for Russia, 17 days for Finland).

During the war Sweden had 3 presidents: Jim Parsons (Flashback Sweden), Raticon (Arbetarepartiet MSAP) and Valnad (NationaIgardet). Jim Parsons (FBS) was impeached on the 2nd day of the war.

Russia had 3 presidents as well: bzzz-bzzz (Russian Communist Ewok), nimnul (Constitutional Democrats) and eNavi (Mafia Community). bzzz-bzzz resigned by impeachment as a president of Russia on the 13th day of the war.

Finland had 2 presidents during the war. beekaks (Wanhat Parrat) and then Fettis (Liberaali Edistyspuolue).