SWAG: Stuff We All Get

Day 1,241, 19:19 Published in USA USA by Blank Keating

America, I'm bored. I'm also rich in Q1 food. To be precise, I have over 1000 foods. That's worth about $700, true fact.

There's one stipulation: I don't care about $700.

Therefore, I am posing you an offer. If you fight for America today, I will give you 50 of my foods, free of charge. All you have to do is post a comment below.

I don't care if you're American, French, Romanian, or Zimbabwean. Don't care if you're military or civilian. Don't care if you're black or white. Don't care if you already did b4n and AA today (protip: do it). Don't care if you sub or vote. All you have to do is be on America's side.

For the young readers: If you're under level 16, I'll give you double, just because I'm ageist like that.

Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn,