Surrounded [Spain strikes Rhone Alps]

Day 957, 08:55 Published in Croatia Spain by Ramso" />

Vote it too for: [Spain]" /> We are only 3 days away from the announced end of the world and Phoenix launches their last big offensive versus EDEN. Now Croatia is in red alert because they are the main target. Hungary strikes through the north and Slovenia through west. They have activated a full battery of EDEN mpps, including the polish one. But sincerely, Poland is still the most powerful country but it is only a shadow of the 60.000 citizens monster that once was. It's going to be a hard battle." />

But the worst thing of this offensive, if we can't stop it today, will come with the V2. Some weeks ago i wrote an article suggesting to attack Hungary just before V2 so as when V2 comes, the pressure of battles will be for Phoenix as we will fight in hungarian territories. But no man, it has to be Hungary who attacks Croatia...

Now we will have a great problem if we fail today. We will enter V2 and we will have to help Croatia, and it will be really hard winning battles in first weeks in V2. At least we will have a week for preparing the defense... but who knows, maybe the wars are closed and mpps disabled with V2, i have seen worst things in this game." />Battlefront [Update😛23:50]
Tactically, the offensive has been perfectly executed. Croatia is sieged. The biggest threat that Phoenix could had was the possibility of a blocking attack on Hungary. In order to prevent this, Hungary swapped Northern Great Plain with Austria days ago and today they completed the swaps with Southern Great Plain. Now Hungary has no borders with Romania, so can't be blocked. The only way to block Hungary is that Poland crosses Slovakia and attack Hungary through northern side but the common mpp kills this option. So now, Croatia is surrounded. But it is funny that this doesn't end here, because Serbia ws blocked in Asia by China...but the block just ended. Serbia charges with full power on Slavonia and Brcko District. Situation is critical." />" /> A Secret Weapon?
But we had a secret weapon. As i said, we HAD. Spain, after the treat with Italy, prepared days ago a swap plan to cross Italy. So it is done. Spain crossed from Sardinia to Molise and crossed all the italian eastern coast in order to prevent a french block from Corsica. We had to attack Slovenia, but just when we reached Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Slovenia attacked us. Good Job. Great Fail. I won't cry because i'm not a kid..." /> Assault on Rhone Alps
After failing in Slovenia, the last option is Rhone Alps. Spain has attacked. The objective is to drain enough damage from Hungary and if it is possible and Croatia holds the line without falling, tommorrow Spain could have a real option to retake RA. Time will decide.

The rest of the battles are only draining battles or distraction fronts. Russia attacked Hello Kitty versus 10 mpps, so no way. Same with the attack on South Africa by Brazil. But one of this draining battle surprised me, the attack on Far Eastern Russia by USA that activated Russian mpps. Its just a funny thing, now Russia and USA have mpss activated. Just nice for the future." />" />" />" />" />