Support The Cause!

Day 1,296, 13:21 Published in Norway Norway by Scorpicus

Hello Citizens!

I am trying to raise a total of 10,000 FIM. The people of eFinland seem to be unable to put up proper Resistance Wars....

I think it is our duty as good neighbors to support them, as well as giving eEstonia something else to shoot at.

1. Acquire FIM (Buy FIM for gold, or even better, sell gold for FIM)
2. Donate FIM
3. Resistance War
4. ??????
5. Freedom!

Do your part! Acquire FIM and donate it to me Scorpicus!
(All donations will be logged, and published on the congressional forum).

Best Regards
Xenius Scorpicus

It should be mentioned that the Hero of the day! MrManiac!!! Have currently killed 316 eEstonians and done a total of 1,7mill influence!

Tip of the Hat to you, Sir!