Summation and eMalaysia: Honour Dictates

Day 747, 23:11 Published in USA Canada by SaraDroz
The Last Two Months

First Month

When I arrived in eCanada you had just seen of eUK and eFrance - I came to fight the Huns. Glorius battles they were and I was honoured to take part in them and even start a successful RW for eUSA....
I remember one very late night when we had liberated Nunuvut and still had more fights left... I contacted the eAustralian President and after frantic talks we liberated also the final piece of eAustralian territory. The first time in over a year when eAustralia had been totaly unoccupied!
During this month I was appointed eCanadas representative to Sol.

Second Month

In the second month I was appointed MoFaiT (Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade). We knew of the problems within Peace and spoke a great deal with our eItalian and eFrench counterparts. Our primary concern was to help those wishing to leave Peace and secondary objective was to liberate Indian regions.
The success of these talks we took part in can be seen...

The vital time in all of this (for me) concerned a late night chat on IRC with CitKane (eItalian Finance Minister). At this point eHungary was still occupying a Swiss region that bordered eItaly... before eItaly could publicly withdraw from Peace this must be dealt with. The next day this region (Graunden) was RWed but we were planning on fighting in another RW... I spoke with Derek Harland(William Duncan was unavailable) and eUSA and we were able to change the emphasis of our attack, the Hun border with eItaly was removed, Italy left Peace and the rest is ehistory.

More recently we have been able to concentrate on Indian liberation and won a great victory in Bihar.

During the Croat attacks eMalaysia had been almost wiped from the map by Indonesia, we regained those regions and they were angry now. Here I started to see hope and was to disagree with Eden policy.

The Spanish Attack on France

I think this is BAD for eSpain and for Eden. Revenge should never be a motivation in Foreign Policy. The fact that Indonesia is helping Spain should warn the Spanish that they are playing into the hands of their enemies. Now that France has MPP'd with eRussia further attacks could be disastrous for Spain in the long term.

The Malaysian Betrayal

As I noted above after eMalaysia had lost Sabah and Peninsular Malaysia during an attack on Craotia these regions were regained. Many in Sol and eMalaysia were then angry and talks were held resulting in a plan to liberate not only eIndia but also eChina of Indonesian occupation and deprived Indonesia of high iron. eIndia was rightfuly worried about Iranian PTO and have a NAP with eIndonesia... No matter the plan would have saved eIndia and others.

The plan was submitted to Eden since for one battle their support would be required. One would have thought that Eden would grasp this chance with both hands to:

Help new allies for the enemy of my enemy is my friend...
Diminish for the forseeable future the power of eIndonesia

The reply came back: We have other plans which we cannot discuss.

Like what? Spain attacking France? Is that seriously more important than Indonesian iron?

With the proposed Eden MPPs with India the betrayal of eMalaysia was complete. The chance to humble Indonesia once and for all was lost and all that follows will come from Indian self absorbtion and Eden foolishness.

When others were ready to stand strong India and Eden betrayed them. Yes I address myself to YOU shoot!!! eMalaysia is left to eIndonesia as the MPPs run out...

The similarity to eFrance and Peace and what is happening now will become clearer in the future. eFrance wanted good relations with Spain. I was concerned with Spanish intentions... shoot assured me that this would not happen. Similar assurances were given to eItaly I understand by the Spanish themselves.

Another betrayal.

Honour Dictates

Many of you may believe that honour has no part in this, in this you are seriously mistaken. Those who leave an almost assured Cabinet job for honour earn respect and To put yourself with those who have been betrayed is honour.

I do not critisise eCanadian Policy: Our policy has been to help those who wish to fight our mutual enemies. We donated weapons to eMalaysia and Sol for the reconquest of eMalaysia.

With Spain and Eden my honour dictates I part company. We may lose but long term Spain and Eden have lost more.

I would advise that eCanada and eUSA work ever closer together - Brolliance is wiser than Eden.

Any who wish to help eMalaysia and eFrance please feel free to contact me.

Best wishes,
