Suggestion : A Negative Vote Option for Newspaper Articles

Day 726, 16:59 Published in USA USA by HeinekenCoC

Yes, you heard it, a Negative Vote Option.

Some Articles are just horrid, so bad in fact, that it brought me to suggesting a [ - Vote ] Option.

Back in the Day, There were (and still are) many trolls like Zoli, whom were spreading bs Propaganda in EDEN and the Brolliance (Then ATLANTIS) up until the breakout of WW3 (One of the many 'Zoli' Articles: ).

After 3 months, as we approach the end of the Conflict, Articles similar to those of long ago, are beginning to arise and their starting to flood the media, like this one. ( And not only that but that one in particular got into the International Top 5. Seriously? You know, Im not even going to get started on how horrid the grammar and attempted trolling is.

Anyway, Implementing a Negative Vote Option would give you a Choice, and with enough Negative Votes on someone's Article you would send a Message. Which would be of course, that the article in question sucks.

Now Now, Some will say that other nations will just vote down eachother's Articles, but to control this, only People currently in the Country that the Article is made in can vote it down. I'm completely serious with this, Admins. Do it for the people. Articles of the 'Zoli Era' actually brain-washed some new players, notable examples including Elizabeth Jones, one of many Ameri-PEACE-Trolls whom posted illogical and pointless articles getting people to 'Ask for Action from the Government' and to 'Vote out the Tyrants'.

I end this saying that we need to get the message Across, we need to spread the word, and end the age of Trolling and useless Propaganda. It helps Both Sides.

Vote this up and subscribe! Do it for her,