Stryke for Term Two

Day 823, 11:58 Published in South Africa South Africa by Stryke Blayde

Hello, eSouth Africa.
That time of the month is upon us once again, and it's time to see who will take up the responsibility of being a Congressman for eSouth Africa.
In my first term, I got to become a part of quite a few discussions, discussions that made me feel good, because I knew I was helping eSA while being a part of intelligent conversations and constructive posts. That gave me a feeling of pride, or patriotism, if you will. A feeling that lets me know I'm helping the country out, has guided me to my decision of running for a second Congressional term in the Free State region, under the revitalized AGW, the Naturalist Party of South Africa.
In this term, I will thrive to become a part of many more discussions, and contribute as much as humanly possible. While I cannot promise that I will do this particular thing, or do that particular thing, there is one thing that I CAN promise, and that is that I will make decisions that I think is best for eSA as a country, and for it's people.
I highly encourage all of you to look over the other candidates' platforms as well, as there are many other well qualified, and highly deserving people, and I want YOU to vote in who YOU think is best for eSouth Africa.
So come Congressional Election Day, vote for who YOU think is willing to help eSouth Africa.
Hopefully one of those people are me, hahaha.
Stryke Blayde

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