Strategy and tactics - V1 vs V2

Day 973, 11:18 Published in Japan Japan by virusxpl

I translated this article ( Author agreed with this of course ) from THERE so if you like it, go THERE and VOTE for it.

"Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."
-Sun Tzu

Let us be frank: battles in V1 and V2 don't have nothing in common, except that the two sides are still fighting.

In V1 battle plan was simple:
a) attack 15 minutes before the change date
z) hit 90% of damage 15 minutes before the change date

Points betwen a) and z) had been optional.

V2 is much more complicated.

At least at the beginning, winners will be those who were the first to adapt to new conditions and will know what to do with the army, not those with more powerful armies.

A few differences:

1. attack time.

V1:23.45-23.55 erepublik time - ideal time for attack
V2: Although the attack before daychange is still a good thing to do, the start of the battle in the middle of the night, when the defenders of sleep, can be much more effective. Even if defenders deploy, if they sleep - they will not move. Thanks to this they may wake up in the morning without a hospital and pushed to the last two rows of hexes.

1a) advantage of attacker and allies

V1 - attacker could open a few battles, no one knows where real attack will hit, the ally - the stronger the better
V2 - attacker can attack for several hours without the active resistance. Allies from the different time zones are extremely important - when we will sleep, someone has to watch our back.

1b) deplyoment for defence

The enemy can easily mobilize a dozen people for the night attack. But if defenders deploy a few hundred people, enemy will be unable to kill all of them, unless they will pay cash for WB.

You can recapture map in the morning, but I don't want to recapture hospital and DS. They must be strongly defended.

2. Helicopter rides

V1 - unavailable
V2 - Someone has to capture 75% of the territory - probably most of this will be get by helicopters.
If there is any break in the enemy line, undefended areas ... you must send in the helicopters. Three hex in one round. Bridges - you can either fight for it ... or send a helicopter to the other side.

3. and who will defend captured territory?

V1 - no problem
V2 - more like in RL - army divided in first and second wave.
Helicopters can move three hex per round, and new troops can deploy in this captured hexes. So it makes no sense that 99% of infantry will atack in first round from edge of the map, because after a few rounds they may start from the middle of the map.

Helicopters capture - infantry defend.

4. usefulness of newbies:

V1 - newbie soldier can do very little damage and his usefulness is low

V2 -
a) even newbie helicopter soldier with the cheapest helicopter can capture position 3 hexes from start - well coordinated helicopter atack can capture half of map.
"even newbie can freely run from enemies and allow other players to deploy far behind the enemy lines" - as stated andrzej_kmicic ( from ePoland )

b) Well-led group of newbie players can cause big confusion and make even elite enemy units to chase after them.

c) defense - attack on private deals as much time as the attack on Veteran - so deploying before logging off is a good idea. You will slow down the enemy, and your wellness in the worst case will fall to 70.

Yes, the V2 has several advantages - smaller difference between newbie and veteran on the battlefield.

5. reserves

w V1 - rather small role
w V2 - Once the fighting goes on, no one knows where, when and how enemy will hit - if our armored column will be atacked by 100 helicopters there will be no time to move artillery from the other side of map. Because in meantime enemy will destroy thes tanks and fly away before reinforcements will come. But if we have artillery in reserves, which can be deployed in good position... enemy will pay much more for this.

6. usefulness of private battle groups, the time of a massive attack:

V1 - atack 15 minutes before end of battle
V2 - the last 15 minutes = 3 rounds...this can be too short for win

7. most important: coordination:

V1 - you write in press: atack region x.
V2 - uncoordinated attack can result in a large number of winning battles 1 vs 1, but surely a strategic defeat.
In defense - coordination is even more important. Deployment "just there" can result in completly defeat.

Solution: government press, private battle groups, IRC. V2 ended atacks on "uuurrraaaa".

Of course, such attacks are also useful. But the defeat of five random enemies and capturing 10 hexes where enemy will recapture it in notime is unlikely to contribute much to the victory.

8. Heavy tanks raid
Someone has to break the front lines and win many batlles in short time. Tanks with atack 100 and obrażeniach 14 are ideal for this purpose.
Long ago someone sai😛 "a tank attached to the infantry platoon is a useful thing,... but a hundred tanks, grouped in one armor fist can decide outcome of battle".

Uncoordinated attack: beautiful round of atacks at 30 different locations. In the second round - enemy do the same thing. Over and over again...

Why coordinated is better?
The defender doesn't know from where enemy will attack. He must deploy forces along the entire front ( or helicopter raid will destroy him ). It's a chance for the attacker - in one or two locations he can have overwhelming advantage. And instead of the proportion of 30 defeats vs 30 wins he may have the balance of 30 vs 5.

9. communication with private battles groups.
V1 - private battles groups commanding themself, government sometime financed them, sometimes not...
V2 - finansing is less important, commanding much more.

10. WB
V1 - 2 gold per WB, 40 per day, 1 WB = +10 wellness
V2 - 0.5 gold per WB, 999 per day, 1 WB = +20 wellness

11. Time you must spend online if you want to full use your potiential:

V1 - 2 mins
V2 - 24h

Yes. I also want to comment this. But I don't want this article deleted.

12. principle of victory:
V1 - plain and simple - either above or below the wallt, if not - play-off.
V2 - 75% of the hexes and capital... - large enough population which can redeploy all the time, may really slow down capturing hexes or even completely stop it.
And again we have helicopters - someone must fast capture hexes. If everyone will think "I will fight, because I don't want capturing hexes without fighting"...It will be probably boring, but someone has to do it. Again - the command and coordination will be key to victory.

13. hospitals

V1 - well known
V2 - hospital have operating range. Atackers, before capturing hospital, must buy WB to regain wellness.
Defenders - just have to withdraw to have operating range.

14. fighting area
Combining the last two points of importance and the need to capture and maintain capital will make the most players ( both strongest and weakest ) gather around the capital and hospital. And what about the rest? Command and coordinate them.

Leading wars will not be more complicated than in V1. However, winning battles ... Well, here is the worse. If you play as a team - you win, and if not - you lose.