Strange, is it not UK?

Day 853, 19:09 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Aeros

I read a great quote a few years ago, and it was really telling. “A Good fight clears the air of bad feelings”. A few months ago, people in the USA were frothing at the mouth to beat up on the UK for being big bad traitors. Now, post war and peace, you would be hard pressed to find anyone who really cares anymore. After about a year of bad feelings, I think its time we all had a little look at how things stand.

True, its nice to not always mix RL with eRepublik, but its clear priorities for some countries are not exactly in order with others. Some have stated, to certain degrees of truth, that we are all just fighting the same war started by Romania and Hungary way back at the dawn of eRepublik. Alliances change, a few countries switch sides, but by and large, it’s the same deal. Hungary’s Alliance vs. the Alliance Romania happens to be in. Admittedly, this is a very simplistic view of things. Romania is hardly the only power in EDEN, but EDEN is still fighting the same intractable war with the same countries going on and on for more then a year.

What is true however, is that these wars are driven primarily by the goals of these countries in Eastern Europe, be it Hungary’s desire to steam roll Canada to get to Asia, or Romania’s dream of getting through Bulgaria and Turkey the same way. And along the way, the United Kingdom got caught up in the maelstrom on one side, while every other English speaking country in eRepublik ended up on the other. I mean, does this not seem a bit absurd to you all? The UK invading Canada and occupying Alberta? Really? The UK military clashing with the Australian military in defense of an occupation of South Africa. Seriously? Don’t you think this is a bit bizarre?

The Russians, Serbians and Hungarians are united by their common goals. They have somewhat similar cultures and ideals They make natural allies. But where exactly does the United Kingdom fit into this group? You claim you broke with the US and Canada because they were not being fair too you. So let me pose the question. Is working for Hungary an improvement?

This is probably just wishful thinking on my part; some random musings really. But the UK has so much more in common with the US, Canada and Australia then it does with Hungary, Serbia and Russia. Don’t you think its time to at least consider rejoining people with similar values, goals, and more importantly, a similar language that leaves no real room for confusion? To me, such Alliance would be a force to be reckoned with.

Just some thoughts.