Status opinion poll: To merge or not to merge, that's the question...

Day 763, 10:50 Published in Netherlands Belgium by A Red Star

Have you ever wondered, how many articles started with "To (...) or not to (...), that's the question" over time?! Really, the amount must be huge. Don't people have some creativity and inspiration of their own? (I know I didn't have any at the moment, which kinda explains the title.)

Merger eUK and eUNL?

You have all seen the articles, discussions, comments, shouts, topics, etc. about a possible merge between the eUK and the eUNL. All kind of pros and cons have been mentioned. So what is the current status? How do people feel about it?

Well, as you know, the Ministry of Spam values high reliability of their news articles. Only things that are doubled checked and not biased at all are published. (Well, maybe a few exceptions might occur...) Anyway, that's why we publish the current status of a poll, initiated to get the votes of the eUNL citizens.

Have you voted already? No? Don't be worried, you can still vote on! (I assume you have already registered at the eUNL forum if you are an eUNL citizen? It easy, fast, free, etc...)

Current status

After somewhat more than 12 hours - with a total of 34 votes - the poll can still go either way. Almost the same number of people support it as the amount that opposes it. Even the amount of strong supported is almost equal to the amount of strong opposers.

If everything goes on, and the binding referendum will be held, it looks like the people who have not made their mind up yet - or not fully made up their mind - will determine the outcome.

YOU will make the difference. Have you made up your mind yet?

Current status of the poll:

++ Definitely yes, I will do my utmost to get this merge with eUK in place, as it will benefit eUNL
10 votes (29😵

+ Yes, I might support a merge if the conditions are right after negotiations have finished
6 votes (18😵

o I really can't decide at all at the moment
4 votes (12😵

- No, I will probably not support the merge, as I don't see enough advantages yet.
5 votes (15😵

-- Definitely not, I will always oppose to give up eUNL
9 votes (26😵