Statistics eCanada - October 2009 Census

Day 686, 11:30 Published in Canada Canada by Ruben MacGregor

Fellow eCanadians!

Despite the vast amounts of information available to each of us at the click of a button, I still find myself often wanting for more. For this reason, I've decided to start "Statistics eCanada".

The purpose of this newsletter will be to alert eCanadian citizens when a new census is taking place, and to publish the results of these surveys to be perused by politicians, marketing teams, and the generally curious. If you'd like to know how us eCanadian's think, feel and act as a population, then subscribe to this newsletter!

You can find the first census here:

Please fill this out, and tell your friends! Those who fill out the survey will be entered in a draw to win (virtual) cash prizes!!

Once the results are in, I will publish a series of articles summarizing the more interesting findings. If you have suggestions for questions to add in the next census, please feel free to contact me with them! Also, don't forget to subscribe to this newsletter for all the latest info from Statistics eCanada.

-Ruben MacGregor
Head of Statistics Canada