Statements and P.I.M.P. official start

Day 839, 07:58 Published in Brazil China by Donnie Bronco


Today we have some topics to discuss and want to start P.I.M.P. The articles will be published regularly in different countries.

Please take 5 minutes of your time and subscribe the listed Newspapers at the end of the article.

eSouth Africa

Recently an open letter was started by both Eden and Phoenix, and has resulted in a few people from eArgentina, eBrazil and other ecountries being slightly confused as to the contents.

To try and clear things up, the Phoenix alliance fully supports both eBrazil and eArgentina's initiatives in eSouth Africa and does not blame them for the actions of a minority of people.

We believe the misunderstanding may have arose with the use of the word 'recent'. The event the letter is based on occurred several of months ago.

The eUNL

The next Topic is about our member UNL. UNL was initially formed by the eBelgians and the eDutch. But some time ago eBelgium reappeared on the map, forced by EDEN to create a colony in Europe. After fighting against an EDEN PTO, the eBelgians gained the control of their country back.

As eBelgium and eNetherlands are now independant, and as the congress of eNetherlands have voted to be independant, the union has effectively dissolved (UNL Government's official article).

The eNetherlands remain as a member of Phoenix, and Belgium are welcome to apply.

Phoenix International Mogul Program

We at Phoenix HQ have decided to begin running the official Phoenix International Mogul Program short P.I.M.P., designed to help move citizens of Phoenix countries closer to achieving a Media Mogul Medal, which requires 1000 subscriptions to a newspaper owned by a citizen.

In order to apply to participate in the Media Mogul scheme, you must have;
• A Newspaper
• Citizenship of a Phoenix Country
• AT least 400 subscriptions

To apply to the scheme, you must first fill in this Google Doc. If you are deemed eligible by the Media Mogul Team you will be contacted, and must begin making your payments to this org; Phoenix Headquarter.


To be included in the scheme, you must first make the initial payment of 5 Gold. Following this you will be placed on the Media Mogul Scheme. For every 200 subscriptions you gain you will need to pay a further 1 Gold to remain on the scheme.

When you recieve the Media Mogul Medal, you will be expected to pass on the 5 Gold you recieve from getting the medal to the Phoenix Headquarter. Should you wish to remain on the scheme after reaching 1.000 subscriptions, you will be expected to pay 2 Gold for every 200 subscriptions you receive.

If you already have one or more media mogul medals, you may still apply for the scheme. However, the amount you pay for every 200 subscriptions is proportional to how many Media Mogul medals you have. For example, if you have 1 Media Mogul Medal you will be charged 2 Gold per 200 subscriptions. If you have 2 Medals, you will be charged 3 gold per 200 subscriptions.

Join P.I.M.P my newspaper here
All newspapers that are already in the project will remain in it without any additional fees until they reach 1k subscriptions.


These are the first 20 papers on the scheme, once they have reached their desired number of subscriptions papers on a list will replace them. Therefore if your paper is not yet included do not worry. If you have applied you are in the PIMP queue.

Please subscribe with as many orgs as you have;

1.Open Eyes, Open Minds (429 subs)
2.Pishro (483 subs)
3.The Chemical Newspaper (440 subs)
4.Primus Inter Pares (566 subs)
5.TheObservor (523 subs)
6.BULAVA NEWS (501 subs)
7.Fikir Gazetesi (624 subs)
8.Vaduguns (666 subs)
9.S.E.R.B.I.A (729 subs)
10.Hamid__News (758 subs)
11.A Gazeta do Povo (882 subs)
12.News_from_Hell (1075 subs)
13.The Cookie Side of Life (1458 subs)
14.Novine za MM Medalju (1755 subs)

And please subscribe to these papers from the old scheme;
Daniel Parker
Kagan Batuker
Dylan Verstraete
Alex Drex
Moritz v. Sachsen
DNC DNC Revolution

Deputy SG of PHOENIX ALLIANCE, Mr Woldy (eUK)
SG of PHOENIX ALLIANCE, Donnie Bronco (eGermany)

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