State Companies

Day 523, 12:01 Published in Ireland Ireland by Artaxerxes Pavonis

As the operator of the Irish State Companies, I would like to re assure everyone that no one is starving. Everyone who has a State job gets paid 5 IEP. Q1 food is 3+ IEP and there is even Q2 food for less than 5 IEP.

Now as to the management part, Congress and the Cabinet have been discussing the selling of the State made products. None of which will be selling at competitive market prices. The houses we would like to sell here in Ireland to boost wellness. Now of course, not everyone can get a house, there will be those with out one for a long time maybe.

The other company is the Weapons.We have been discussing exporting the weapons Irish friendly warmongering nations. Again, not at competitive market prices, but also when supply is low and supply is high. But Collins has estimated that the weapons in stock are worth approximately 350-400 Gold. Now, it would probably be best if we the other country(s) Government and us can come to an agreement, it would look bad to see Irish State Weapons on the Romanian market or something like that. We will be trying to keep this all neutral, no nation above another due to affiliation with either alliance. A purely business aspect if you will.

On the forum in the Public Congress section, you will see there are a few aspects to such a counties likelihood to being selected for exporting our weapons.

And they are:

*Deman😛 What do ya know, war is good for something!

*Supply: This affects the overall demand due to how much or little there is selling there.

*Taxes: Just as we have import taxes, so does everyone else.

*Foreign Government: It would probably be best to make some sort of arrangement with the county's Government that we have desired to sell to.

*Cost: As part of any agreement, we would have to sell our weapons at non-competitive market prices.

All this is just what we have been working on over the past few weeks with your State Companies.

-Artaxerxes Pavonis