Starting to Work!![MODA]

Day 2,185, 14:50 Published in South Africa South Africa by eSA Ministry of Social Affairs

Greetings my fellow eSouth Africans!!
MODA is starting to work sorry for this late article but I was very busy.
I am the New MODA this month and as my deputy is Saffa Manne we are going to do everything we can to help you in the journey of get to knowing the game also we are going to rise the activity of the community I am going to talk about that in some other article.
In this article I am going to inform you about the old but good programs in which I have made some changes.

STR support Program

This is the program that will help you in growing your Strength.The Players that are able to get in to the program and receive 0.19 gold per day are:

Division 1 Players that are above 250 STR and bellow 5 000 STR.
Division 2 players that are Bellow 7 500 STR.
Division 3 players that are Bellow 10 000 STR.
Division 4 players that are Bellow 15 000 STR.

You are going to apply for this program every Day in this FORM or you will need to PM me if you have forgot the link of the form.I suggest to save it in the computer.This is because I need to know which players are active and really want to get the gold that we give.

MTR(Mentor) Program

Come on youngsters join our MTR program.
We have a lot of experienced players that fought long time in erep and that are willing to help you grow you just need to PM me and we will find you a suitable mentor.
Also every player that wants to be mentor can write me a message and he will be able to help.
And if you need Help Fast you can always Join #NOOB @ Rizon
This is a channel in which are a lot of people that are willing to help!!

You need Food? You need Weapons? you can freely ask me for it I will do everything I can to Help you Grow!!!