Spies Like Us

Day 937, 11:38 Published in USA Canada by The Agency

Recently we have been made aware of an organization that is attempting to portray itself as the American CIA.

That group is not the Central Intelligence Agency of the eUSA. We are.

Never heard of us? or from us? Not overly surprising. Since I have become Director of the CIA, I think this is the first time that I have actually used this organization's newspaper to send out a message.

Who are we and what do we do?

We are the group that handles and directs our national activities that are not strictly military in nature. We are spies, investigators, mobile voters, data collectors and processors. We fight our enemies through alternative means, and because of that we don't often advertise what we do and what we have accomplished.

Officially, the CIA will not reveal the identity of any of its active members. This is to protect the time and effort they have given to work their way into our enemies operations. The reasons for this are obvious.

The only exception to the rule is the identities of the Director and Deputy Director. Just like the Sith, there are two and their names need to be known, mostly so people know who to contact and so we can issue warnings and advice. I have been Director of the CIA since December 25 and my Deputy Director is elizabopolous.

Under the CIA umbrella, we do have two separate divisions that you may be more aware; Project C.A.R.E. and Strategic Air Command, and the affiliated program of the Federal Election Commission.

CARE is our investigative unit, most widely known for its success in multi hunting. Since its creation in August, CARE has sent in approximately 250 separate tickets to Admin. Tickets tend to report anywhere from 5 to I beleive 707 targets is still our highest total for a single ticket. There use to be a time when I could easily calculate the numbers and the results. With each new wave of agents and their reports, it became impractical and would require people spending too much time to track, time better spent finding the next group of cheaters. I have been told by people who have access to our tickets, that we have a 90% success rate.

SAC is our mobile voting team that handles all ATO operations. Every time there is a call for help in blocking a PTO, we are busy coordinating volunteers, sending moving tickets, relaying instructions, and working to make sure that Phoenix and other ne'er do wells are not taking over our allies and friends. We work in coordination with multiple countries and have had a consistently positive result in our efforts.

The FEC is charged with making sure that our domestic elections go off without a hitch and that we do not suffer any PTO's. The FEC helps facilitate the Top 5 parties in the process of placing candidates and when a party fails in its obligations to provide a candidate in a region, the FEC provides a blocker to make sure that no Phoenix type sneaks into our Congress.

We are always looking for people to assist in our operations and ask that if you are interested, to please send a private message to the appropriate organization.

If you are interested in helping in any of these operations or need to contact us regarding something that falls under our purview, please use the following contacts to help let us know.

All Strategic Air Command (SAC) , Federal Election Commission (FEC), and ATO business, please send your messages here

All Project C.A.R.E., multi hunting, banning, and rules related questions, please send your messages here

All Central Intelligence Agency, spying, intel, PTO, world domination, and similar matters, please send your messages here