Speeding Up Communications

Day 933, 07:07 Published in USA Brazil by Rod Damon

I've been catching up on mail, cause some of you people generate a lot of it, and you all seem to send it in when I am running about going crazy. So too much of it seems to go unanswered. I am trying to get to all of it, and to help facilitate things a little better in the future, I am asking the following.

All Strategic Air Command (SAC) , Federal Election Commission (FEC), and ATO business, please send your messages here

All Project C.A.R.E., multi hunting, banning, and rules related questions, please send your messages here

All Central Intelligence Agency, spying, intel, PTO, world domination, and similar matters, please send your messages here

That should hopefully allow us to address your messages quickly and will cut down in the time I spend routing messages internally to the correct people.

Thank you for your help and continued support of our operations. Our highly trained staff is waiting to help you.