South East (Fox and Crumpet interview)

Day 800, 03:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by South East Council
The South East Elections

This week has seen both Congress and council elections in the South East


Raziel Darkheart Contact him here
Stefan1992 Contact him here
KaisKais Contact him here


Chairman: Stefan1992 Contact him here
Vice Chairman: Raziel Darkheart Contact him here
Councillor of Health: Steve Steinbeck Contact him here
Councillor of Media: Horice P Fossil Contact him here
Councillor of Entertainment: KaisKais Contact him here

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Interview with Congressman and council Chairman


I meet the Congressman in his council office

I found him deep in conversation with a member of his staff....

"Come over here Miss Flange theres something
i want you to take down for me,
(he then noticed i had entered the room)
Who the bloody hell are you !! and who let you in !"

H, "Err...hello Congressman i'm here to interview you,
congratz on the Congress and Council elections"

S, "No need to call me congressman Sir will do,
run along Miss Flange i'll see to you later,
let's go down the pub much more informal"

So we headed for Fox and Crumpet to continue the interview

S, "That's better now what was it you wanted to know,do you mind if my PA sits in ?"

H, "Off course not 'Sir',What i think the South East wants to know
is what are your plans for the region now your in office ?"

S, "Well thats a bloody good question and one i would love to answer,
but first i need a tom tit"

At this point the congressmen left the bar for a short break

S, "Horice ! Horice! there no bloody paper in here quick m' arse is going numb!

H, "Sorry 'Sir' there no loo rolls all i could find was this Aussie flag"

S, "It will have to bloody do,give it here,they got the other EDEN countries out there ?"

We returned to the bar but before i could continue....

"Stefan! Stefan! are you here with that strumpet of yours again"

S, "Oh Bugger ! it's the other half,you haven't seen me right !"

With that the interview finished if you want to know Stefan1992s plan
you'll have to head over to the South East forum or Chat room !

Horice Councillor of Media reporting