South East Council Launches Welcome Basket Scheme

Day 696, 02:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by South East Council

The South East Council has now launched its Welcome Basket scheme. If you would like to claim one, then the following is what you need to do:


Live in the South East (and be a UK citizen).
Be between level 1-5.
Be on the UK forums.
Post a reply to>this thread.

Due to a recent hack in the South East Council, our resources are thin, but we do have enough to get this programme going. You will most likely get your basket within 24 hours. What is in the basket? Let's take a look...


5 GBP.
3 Q2 food.
2 Q1 gifts.
A message with helpful information.

The programme starts now, so what are you waiting for? Post a reply to>this thread, and your welcome basket will be on the way! Be sure to check out our other cool schemes and programmes as well, because it's great to live in the South East:

South East Gifting Scheme

Free Q1 Weapons Draw

Donations of cash or GOLD are always welcome to the South East Council, in order to help us fund our current schemes, and introduce/develop new ones to benefit the region's citizens.

Remember, your South East Congressmen are here to help - Please do feel free to PM them:

Raziel Darkheart


Graham Fortune

Daniel Dawson

South East News supports the National Newspaper Association - see

Graham Fortune
South East Councillor of Media