South Carolina: Why vote Daniel Hawkins?

Day 671, 16:23 Published in USA Canada by Daniel Hawkins

This is a quick follow-up to my previous article.

As some of you know and have heard, I am running against a very worthy candidate in Devan Kronos for the congress seat in South Carolina. Don't get me wrong, he's a great person, great guy, and would make a great congressman, but why vote Daniel Hawkins?

There's one thing I can bring more to the table the Devan. Experience.

Over my time in eRep, I've seen it all: from the closing days of Beta, to the opening of V1. From Uncle Sam's impeachment to Harlot's resignation, from confidential treaties to relations with Canada. I've been there, I know what it's like. I've been good friends with many senators, and I've noticed one particular tren😛

Many, if not all, congressman have had experience in the military

"Military? That doesn't matter! This is politics!"

Allow me to explain.

Over my time in the military, I've met many great people. A good number of former soldiers are now congressman. Why? They learned, developed, grew in the military. That was their home for many months, moving, fighting for their country. Eventually, it was time for them to step into the politics mode.

When I retired from Ambassador to Canada, who took over? My former platoon soldier.
When I look at the "impeach GLaDOS" movement in the UK, who leads that? Another, former platoon soldier.
When I look at the current congressman, who leads for the most part? Former soldiers.

The military teaches you many things. It teaches you about strategy. Dedication. Desire. Tatics. That's just to get started. Over my time, I've learned many things from my mentors, and even mentees. I'll start by saying this: I know what it's like to be you, the average citizen.

That's where my focal point of my campaign is. Improving the eLife for you, the average citizen, but spreading my knowledge, my experience, and making this a better eMerica.

I ask that you please, PLEASE make an informed decision tomorrow, and choose the better candidate. In my opinion, it's me, because I think I have more to bring to the table.

Good luck Devan!