South African Primer August 2010

Day 993, 08:52 Published in South Africa South Africa by Ministry of Information eSA

The August government of eSouth African would like to welcome all players new, old, immigrants and returning players to eSouth Africa V2 style.

This paper will continue to serve as a package with useful information and links to important resources that will continue help you find your way around. This wiki page may help with some of the structure and history of eSouth Africa. Please note we are still updating everything to V2 standards and not everything will be completed when you visit.

[size=17pt]July 2010 Cabinet[/size]

President: Grimstone
Vice President: Champinator
Chief Minister of State & Executive Officer of the President: SamGibz

Minister of Defense: Miyagiyoda
Deputy Minister of Defense: Matt1066

Minister of Security: mulderpf
Deputy Minister of Security: Wingfield
- Director of Immigration: Sandar Cain
- Director of Intelligence: chukcer71

Minister of Finance: Lazer Fazer
Deputy Minister of Finance: Ari Lumumba
- Director of Trade: Ari Lumumba
- Director of Government Companies: Ari Lumumba

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Seisan
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs: Evighet

Minister of Information: Fhaemita Malodorous
Deputy Minister of Information: Bobady zoo

Minister of Social Development: LiquidIce
Deputy Minister of Social Development: Micheal Dell
- Director of Mentorship: Golgavar
- Director of Education: Joseph Rich
- Director of Fun: To Be Determined

Minister of Internal Affairs: CyberWitch

Minister of Tourism: To Be Determined

Chief of Staff of the South African Armed Forces: Tronyx
Governor of the Reserve Bank of South Africa: Lazer Fazer

Closed or Suspended Operations
Director of the eSouth Africa Health Center


The official eSouth Africa forums can be found at

[size=16pt]IRC Chat[/size]

If you are up for a chat with your fellow citizens, government officials, and others, come join us on the Rizon IRC network here

[size=16pt]Facebook & Twitter[/size]

Become a fan of us on Facebook

Follow us on Twitter

[size=16pt]Official Government Newspapers[/size]

Newspaper of the Presidency: The Presidency
Ministry of Defence: The Defence Standard
Ministry of Social Affairs: eSA Social Affairs Today
Department of Education: The Educator
South African Armed Forces: eServamus
Ministry of Information: Information Ministry eSA
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Foreign Affairs Report
The Reserve Bank of eSA: Reserve Bank Report


The eSouth African Armed Forces is the fighting force of eSouth Africa. You can enlist by filling out this form or read more on the wiki.

The eSAAF consists of three branches:

[size=14pt]Training Division[/size]
The Training Division (TD) is a branch for younger citizens where they are taught basic military operations, wellness strategies, and essential fighting tactics.

Minimum Requirements for entry: None

[size=14pt]Pretorian Guard[/size]
The Pretorian Guard (PG) is eSouth Africa's home guard unit, as well as the main branch for people who desire a political career. The President and Congresspersons often join the PG during their terms in office.

Minimum Requirements for entry:
- Military Rank: Corporal
- Military Skill: Level 5

The Parabats is a strong, mobile force of some of eSouth Africa's most experienced soldiers. The branch is often deployed overseas and is regularly supplied with top military gear.

Minimum Requirements for entry:
- Military Rank: Colonel
- Military Skill: Level 7

[size=14pt]Assegai Company of Parabats[/size]
Assegai has now been incorporated as a company within the Parabats. It is an elite mobile company of eSouth Africa's strongest soldiers and tanks. The company is almost always deployed overseas at whatever international hotspot is most pressing. The company is regularly supplied with the best possible military gear.

Minimum Requirements for entry:
- Military Rank: General
- Military Skill: Level 10

[size=16pt]Social Development[/size]

The Ministry of Social Development consists of 3 main departments; Department of Education, Department of Mentorship and Department of Fun.

[size=14pt]Department of Education[/size]
The DoE is responsible for educating our citizens on all aspects of the game such as wellness, fighting, politics, mechanics and more. They will release frequent lessons in the media so be sure to keep an eye out if you want to expand your knowledge.

[size=14pt]Department of Mentorship[/size]
The mentorship program offers citizens the chance to learn 1 on 1 from one of our experienced mentors. Your mentor will guide you through your first few days or week and make sure you come out alive whilst having learnt the basics of the game. It's an opportunity to learn from the best and also get to know other citizens within our community.

You can apply for a mentor on the forum at

[size=14pt]Department of Fun[/size]
The DoF is just that, a department filled with fun that provides entertainment value to our citizens. They will be hosting regular games and competitions that will keep you active and always wanting more.