Something about elections in Australia [ENG/PL]

Day 928, 08:24 Published in Poland Poland by Mustafa Kemal Atajerk

Mr. K -> It's "me" ^.^
Mr. 0 -> Pranked guy, permbanned few days ago with 3 Media Moguls.
Mr. W -> Very known and popular American Guy

[vingaer] [02:41] [HR|AFK] o/
[vingaer] [02:41] [Mr. W] o/
[vingaer] [02:42] [HR|AFK] LK tonight

It all began when vingaer started a prank on EDEN command channel. One day before the action in Liaoning, she changed her nickname to one of very known american persons in eRepublik. Suddenly, other very known American person in eRepublik asked wrote to her "LK tonight", because his IRC client didn't notice that vingaer had no nickserv. Then I realised, it might be a good method of pranking known persons, but I only needed someone known to be pranked. Few hours later, vingaer came to our irc channel that one pervert is querying her a lot, saying some dirty things.

Wszystko się zaczęło od żartu vingaer na kanale EDEN. Pewnego dnia tuż przed akcją w Liaoning, vingaer zmieniła swój nick na IRC podszywając się pod bardzo znanego gracza z USA. W pewnym momencie, drugi znany amerykanin napisał do niej odrazu "LK tonight" chociaż akcja miała rozpocząć się w ciągu kilku godzin (szczerze to nie pamiętam, czy to było LK amerykańskie). Wtedy wpadłem na pomysł aby porobić sobie jaja ze znanych osób w eRepublik, pozatym to może być także dobra metoda... szpiegostwa 🙂. Potrzebowałem jednak osoby która do tego żartu by się nadawała, wtedy wpadła vingaer z tym że pewien koleś na O pisze jej bardzo sprośne rzeczy na query.

[18:09] [Mr. O] whoah manur UBER HOTTT
[18:09] [Mr. O] whoah man ur UBER HOTTT
[18:10] [Mr. O] vingaer: i am joining Poland now

First, I didn't want to prank. I was laughing a lot because of his attempts to impress vingaer.I was thinking few minutes, how would I prank him ? He was so horny towards vingaer, maybe I should change my nickname to Cerber ? Nah, it would be too easy and quite short fun. I've chosen Mr.K from Serbia, known for his "^.^" in almost every phrase. My first change of nickname was next day. First day was quite funny, a lot of people got pranked. In few hours I've got kicked from channel for Spanish MoFAs, Spanish Army Command and other channels too. A lot of people thought I'm another person without checking "whois", I had a lot of fun to be honest because of this.

Na początku jednak nie wiedziałem jak zacząć. Śmiałem się bardzo często z jego prób gdy chciał zaimponować vingaer. Był taki napalony wobec niej, może powinienem mu się przedstawić jako Cerber ? Nieee, to byłoby zbyt proste i krótkie. Wybrałem że będę sie przedstawiał jako pan K z Serbii, znanego przede wszystkim za "^.^" w jego wypowiedziach. Moja pierwsza zmiana w nicku na IRC była następnego dnia. Pierwszy dzień był całkiem śmieszny, wszyscy dawali się nabierać na ten żart. Byłem wyrzucany z kanału dla hiszpańskiego MSZ, hiszpańskiej armii oraz wielu innych kanałów. Wielu myślało że jestem zupełnie inną osobą, bez sprawdzenia "whois"

* Martinoz|AFK is now known as Mr. K
[@vingaer] yeah
[@Mr. K] hmmm
[@vingaer] who leaked anyway
[LLuX] well
[16:19] [@vingaer] JEZ
[16:19] [@Mr .K] Waiting for leaks :3
[16:19] [LLuX] everyone new7
[16:19] [@vingaer] I GOT
[16:19] [@vingaer] SCARED
[16:19] [14LLuX] knew*
[16:19] [@vingaer] THAT IM ON ANOTHER CHANNEL
[16:19] [LLuX] lol
[16:19] [@vingaer] damn you martinoz
[16:19] [@vingaer] 🙁
[16:20] [@Mr. K] wut did I do vingaer ?? 🙁

One minute later, I've got kicked from the channel for Spanish MoFAs.

Minutę póżniej, dostałem kicka z kanału dla hiszpańskiego MSZ

[16:21] [Mr. K] * Martinoz|AFK is now known as Mr. K
[16:21] [Mr. K] [SOMEONE] .kb Mr. K
[16:21] [Mr. K] from spanish MOFA channel xD

Few hours later, Siddy spotted me on channel for Spanish Army Commanders. His first reaction was "WTF is he doing here ?", and of course I've got quickly kicked from the channel.
Parę godzin póżniej, Siddy zauważył mnie na kanale hiszpańskiej armii. Jego pierwsza reakcja była "WTF, co on tu robi ?" i szybko zostałem wykopany z kanału.

[22:12] * You were kicked by Siddy (Mr.K|AFK)

My kick from Spanish Army Command was quite funny. Siddy was whining a lot that someone invited known guy from Serbia, and noone even wanted to kick him 😃.

Mój kick z kanału armii hiszpańskiej był całkiem zabawny. Siddy się skarżył długo że ktoś zaprosił znanego kolesia z Serbii i nikt nawet go nie wykopał.

[16:20] [@vingaer] you should use
[16:20] [@vingaer] ^.^
[16:20] [@vingaer] all the time
[16:20] [@Mr .K] ahhh
[16:20] [@vingaer] what did i to wrong ^.^
[16:20] [@vingaer] do*
[16:20] [@Mr. K] ^.^
[16:20] [@Mr .K] I forgot about his happiness ^.^

We wanted to improve my skills of espionage. Some cosmetic changes are really needed if you want to prank someone HARD. I didn't know that it might be so unbelievably cool and some of his sentences would be very funny for people on channel.

Chcieliśmy podnieść mój skill w szpiegostwie. Trochę zmian kosmetycznych jest naprawdę potrzebnych jeśli chcesz z kogoś poważnie zażartować. Nie wiedziałem że to może być tak zabawne a kilka zdań pana O wprowadzi ludzi na kanale w wybuch śmiechu

[Mr .K] vingaer is a brunette
[Mr. K] I think
[Mr. O] heheh
[Mr. K]
[Mr. K] she looks like jellyfish
[Mr. O] hehehe
[Mr. K] why do you want to screw her so badly ?
[Mr. O] umm
[Mr. O] i kidna like her
[Mr. K] her place is in kitchen
[Mr. O] what?
[Mr. K] woman place is in kitchen ^.^

I knew that Mr. O likes our vingaer a lot, and he was amazed of her cute face. So our first few minutes of chit-chat were about butts, breasts and other dirty things. It looks I gained his respect and we turned our convo into more war and politics thingies.

Wiedziałem że pan O bardzo lubi Naszą vingaer i był zachwycony jej piękną buzią. Więc pierwsze minuty rozmowy były o tyłkach, piersiach oraz innych niegrzecznych sprawach. Wygląda na to, że zyskałem jego respekt i zaczęliśmy rozmawiać o poważniejszych rzeczach.

[Mr. K] I would like to SCREW USA
[Mr. K] brutally
[Mr. O] same same
[Mr. K] put mega Indonesianbanana into Calishell
[Mr. O] il9=
[Mr. K] it would be nice for your baby boom
[Mr. K] Serbia would help
[Mr. K] you there ?
[Mr. O] 1 min
[Mr. O] nusy in article
[Mr. K] you see our Kami in LK ?

No such nick/channel

It looks that I've got him here. Unfortunately he left IRC, because of huge differences between our timezones (over 7-8 hours - do you remember Korea & Japan 2002 ?). I had to wait few days for him.

Chyba od tego momentu zacząłem go mieć. Niestety postanowił wyjść z IRCa ze względu na spore różnice czasowe (około 7-8h - pamiętacie Mundial w Korei i Japonii 2002 ?). Musiałem poczekać kilka dni na niego.

[Mr. O] we are raping phili now
[Mr. K] I wish you nice baby boom
[Mr. O] hope so
[Mr. K] and Australia screw
[Mr. K] 😁
[Mr .K] they deserve it
[Mr. O] we are PToing them again
[Mr. O] can u help
[Mr. K] who, Phillipines ?
[Mr. O]
[Mr. O] noo australia
[Mr. K] Australia ?

Few days later, I gained his trust quite easily. He didn't realise that I'm pranking him right now, and suddenly he told me about PTO of Australia...

Kilka dni póżniej, zyskałem całkowicie jego zaufanie. Nie zauważył że robię sobie z niego jaja i nagle powiedział mi o PTO Australii

[Mr .K] do you need multies ? We just need to mobilise our army, you now 😁
[Mr. O] yes we need multies
[Mr. K] how much ?
[Mr. K] 2-3 days and you have them
[Mr. O] aweosme
[Mr. O] as much as poible
[Mr. O] plz
[Mr. K] only say how much
[Mr. O] 1000

Isn't it quite ironic 🙂 ? We were talking about logs leak and on the other channel we had a lot of laugh.

Nie jest to ironiczne ? 🙂 Rozmawialiśmy o tym że logi mają tendencje do wyciekania a na innym kanale mieliśmy sporo zabawy.

[Mr .K] btw, what do you think about vingaer ?
[Mr. K] 😁
[Mr. O] she is sexy
[Mr. K] 742 voters 😁
[Mr. O] really?
[Mr. K] I mean, Australia
[Mr. O] even less
[Mr. K] you perv ^.^
[Mr. O] wow
[Mr. O] can u do it?

O fu. But I made a big typo, I've been writing "😁" instead of "^.^" sometimes.

[Mr .K] just mobilize people
[Mr. K] tell us how many
[Mr. O] we have 8 congress there
[Mr. O] already
[Mr. K] we will register some babies there
[Mr. K] 😁
[Mr. O] and two parties

Ooooo, thank you my friend for so much important informations 🙂

Oooo, dziękuję mój przyjacielu za tak pożyteczne informacje 🙂

[Mr .K] we need to cooperate more
[Mr. O] cool
[Mr. K] you are close to Karnataka and WA 😁
[Mr. O] stevie wonder will pm you
[Mr. K] so ?
[Mr. O] reagrding multies
[Mr. O] 😃
[Mr. K] do you have some multis in use there ?
[Mr. K] nicely covered ?
[Mr. K] to not get stupid ban >.>
[Mr. K] like your older presidents
[Mr. O] hahahah
[Mr. K] if president is in charge of multis in elections
[Mr. K] make him stop ;_;

Sometimes you need to say much more than you need - maybe will he open himself more ?

Czasem trzeba powiedzieć więcej niż powinieneś - może wtedy się bardziej otworzy ?

[Mr. O] sandygee will be pres
[Mr. K] I hope he is not communist ^.^
[Mr. O] 😃
[Mr. O] she
[Mr. K] like those guys who wanted to leave us alone few months ago
[Mr. K] she ?
[Mr. K] Is she nice ? 😁
[Mr. O] yes SHE
[Mr. O] she is middle aged lady
[Mr. K] pretty ?
[Mr. O] 😃

Unfortunately, I still don't know - is she pretty and hot or not... but guess what. Sandygee started in Australia elections.

Niestety, ciągle nie wiedziałem - czy jest ona ładna i gorąca albo nie... ale zgadnijcie co. Sandygee naprawdę wystartowała w wyborach." />

[Mr. O] o
[Mr. K] how going ?
[Mr. O] Poland making fun of me
[Mr. O] today
[Mr. K] bots ?
[Mr. O] they amde 3 huge articles
[Mr. O] no that was mine
[Mr. O] they made 3 gasint me
[Mr. O]
[Mr. K] oh
[Mr. K] quite unfair
[Mr. O] yeah 1 vs 3+
[Mr. O] atleast america does not have the brain to troll back

Imagine, how did I LOL'D then - unfortunately, he only mentioned Sztand0r's article, I felt disappointed...

Wtedy naprawdę się zaśmiałem - niestety, wspomniał tylko o arcie Sztandara, poczułem się rozczarowany...

[Mr. K] your trolling is a suicide for Indonesia ^.^
[Mr. O] ??
[Mr. K] cause of your multis
[Mr. K] easy to push back
[Mr. O] how?
[Mr. O] hmmmm
[Mr. K] you should change the strategy ^.^
[Mr. O] hmmmm
[Mr. O] yes
[Mr. O] i didnt want to troll so i started writing motivating articles
[Mr. O] but some polish guys really bugged me today
[Mr. O] so i got annoyed
[Mr. K] you got annoyed by some piece of crap ??
[Mr. O] umm
[Mr. O] they were bugign me a lot

Oh, it's so sad ;_;

Oh, jakie to smutne ;_;

[Mr. O] they call me multi crap and all
[Mr. O] they made multi of e
[Mr. O] me
[Mr. O] then they used it agaisnt me
[Mr. K] lolol
[Mr. O] when i tricked aussies
[Mr. O] they made references to my profiel
[Mr. O] i thought i am getting free gold
[Mr. O] but then i got screwed
[Mr. K] this story is so sad
[Mr. K] did you write an appeal ?
[Mr. O] 🙁
[Mr. O] yes i did
[Mr. O] admins took 6 days
[Mr. O] but in the end they kicked me
[Mr. O] i did have multis but long time ago

O' rly ?? I've always been thinking that this guy is really honest.

O'rly ?? Zawsze myślałem że ten facet naprawdę jest uczciwy

[Mr. K] I have two multis
[Mr. K] but hidden nicely ^.^
[Mr. O] 😃 i had lots before
[Mr. K] more than 10 ?
[Mr. O] i needed them to increase my party strenght as we were fallign behind
[Mr. O] yes
[Mr. K] more than 20 :0 ?
[Mr. O] yes 😃
[Mr. K] 30 ?
[Mr. O] YEs 😃
[Mr. K] you shittin
[Mr. O] nope
[Mr. K] it's impossible to have over 50 multis
[Mr. O] why?
[Mr. O] well the main problen
[Mr. K] more than 100 ?
[Mr. O] i took their golds through monetary

It looks that fish found the bite 😁

Chyba rybka znalazła haczyk 😁

[Mr. K] so
[Mr. K] if you want gold
[Mr. K] tell someone to create another multis
[Mr. K] then donate gold to you
[Mr. O] no not again
[Mr. O] enough
[Mr. K] you tried that :0 ?
[Mr. O] forget it
[Mr. O] i got 3000 subs
[Mr. O] so its ok
[Mr. K] btw
[Mr. O] a few more articles in bvrazil, russia, argen ,turky and it will be 5000

Guess what... they banned him week ago, they stopped him with 3 Media Moguls 😃.

Zgadnijcie co się stało... zbanowali go tydzień temu, zatrzymując jego licznik Media Moguli na 3.

And now, I'm looking FORWARD into elections in Australia. Because Indonesian Stevie WONDER is losing there.
I really hope that REAL Australians will prevail