Some Random Ravings On Optimal Time Distribution And Happiness In V2

Day 962, 04:19 Published in South Africa South Africa by Mmhrrrmhrrrm

Quote from your happy food store owner around the corner:

"The displayed health/happiness restore values are based on a citizen’s health/happiness of 50. If your citizen’s health/happiness is lower than 50, then the product will provide more health/happiness, and less if the health/happiness is higher than 50."
So if you have a health and happiness of 100, what I'm about to say will differ slightly for you, obviously.
All of us want to get the most benefit out of our 24 hours, while still remaining at full wellness and happiness. I'm finding this difficult at the moment, so I started playing with the numbers to find the optimal formula.

1. Every hour of leisure gives you one happiness point, plus the one you get from the bonus (if you use the free one).

2. Every hour of work, training or study subtracts one point of happiness (and some health).

3. Work, training and study each gives two experience points for a maximum of 6, while leisure gives none. This makes it worthwhile to at least spend the minimum time doing each of these activities every day, so that you can get to your treasure maps sooner.

For those who have enough money to buy the best food, it would probably be best to buy food with 100% points in happiness and 30-50% in health (according to your specific health needs. I think this gives you about 8 happiness per day at 100% happiness (if anyone knows the formulas for this, or knows of tools and calculators that can help please tell us about them).

If you balance the above, you get the following:
100 Happiness
-16hours of work, training or study: -16 Happiness = 84 Happiness
+8 hours of leisure time: +9 Happiness = 93 Happiness
+100% happiness foo😛 +8 Happiness? = 100 Happiness

If your happiness is low, you can increase the leisure time until you reach 100 again.

If you cannot buy high happiness food you have to increase leisure time.
With 10% happiness food giving you 1 happiness point, you have to spend 11 hours leisure time and only 13 hours on work, training and leisure.

Keep in mind that I didn’t even start to reckon in houses. For that I’ll need the formula, or a tool/calculator.

Anyway, enough ranting for now..