Some butthurt NE declarations coming up

Day 2,407, 16:04 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Spain vs Netherlands

Spain vs Chile

"e is the smartaleck who is gunning for your job "

eUk vs Uruguay

eUk vs Italy

Usa vs Portugal

" Clint Dempsey is already a zombie how long do you want to keep him going for the world cup"

'Bring me brains world cup'

Croatia vs Mexico

not fair mexico not fair at all employing a professional comedian to turn match into a clown circus

Apparently this could only be seen by the croatian soccer players

And now for some news for RL Belgium in a surprising turn of events the majority of the population has decided to be annexed to Russia.

Putin was last reported to say " Come to Papa"

Just in case your wondering the front side says e** dictators. I accept the challenge was all Putin said.
