So, you want to talk about constructions

Day 710, 14:44 Published in United Kingdom USA by Necrosis

A reoccurring topic on the eUK forums of late has been hospitals and defence systems; this is a copy and paste of a post I made there, so more people can understand the reasoning behind not having hospitals everywhere.

The UK, at the time of writing has 7 Q5 hospitals, and 1 Q5 defense system. However we have 12 regions; why are we not placing a hospital in every region?

We can afford it, sure. It’d take a large chunk of our treasury to do so; the gain in potential damage at the current moment in time is negligible. It’s not a huge thing, and active members should move out of the region to one of the many Q5 areas. I know what you’re thinking, you’re thinking “baw baw baw region X is my home”. Get out of that mentality right now, or you and I will end up getting into an argument; and you wont win.

So, with the cost in mind, and knowing that we could afford it, why don’t we?

A Q5 hospital is a magnet for players. What does more players in a region mean? It means a higher wall, and just as importantly, a higher attack cost. So, do we want to spread people about over a series of smaller walls, or do we want to have a few ‘fortress’ regions, in the style of the USA. Lets take a look at the map.

We have 4 hostile nations bordering us (5 if we include the puppet Belgium I guess). Of those, one of them cannot attack us without paying a 5000gold fine for breaking a Non Aggression Pact between our two countries.

This leaves us with the USA, Norway, and Sweden.
Norway is a small country who we do not have an open war with, not since they were wiped off the map to close their MPPs against Russia, and then RW’d back. They’re also a tiny country, and unless we activate their MPPs against us, we’re safe. They do however border Scotland; having a Q5 hospital here is probably a good move.

Sweden also only borders Scotland, and we do have an open war with them. Again, Scotland is good.

The USA. These guys dislike us a lot. An invasion from the next superpower is a possibility, if not now, then in the near~ future. These guys border Wales, and SW England. And yet only one of them has a Q5 – why is this? With these regions the USA can permanently block the UK from attacking, potentially for ever by keeping up a regular schedule of attacks. The only thing more people in these regions achieve is costing them slightly more to attack.

Defence systems
Are largely useless. We’ve got a few low Q ones dotted around, and a Q5 in London. Wait, London? That doesn’t border any other regions.

London is the most important region in the eUK. When the USa lost California, and lots of the companies in the region when they were invaded it was disastrous. Massive problems. London has a higher %age of our companies than California did in the USA. London also has the highest RL population of any region; this should be factored into account when considering a war; most new players sign up here, so we get more new players than we might otherwise. Again, with this in mind, and considering the population number related effects of a DS, London was the obvious choice.

We don’t need more. For most regions, it’s worthless. Most of our regions are expendable. Thus, we do not need hospitals in many places.

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