So much for being Pakistanis...

Day 899, 14:56 Published in Pakistan Austria by Balkan Beast

Recently, many so called "ePakistanis" have left ePakistan, simply because the president was a Dioist, and not a RL Pakistani.

This is a idiotic act, and shows how much loyalty these newfags have for ePakistan.
Did you see Dioists leave when Pro Pakistani gained the presidency? No you did not.
So why do you leave when Agentchieftain, a 9 time President of Pakistan, is elected, a man who has brought this country to glory, and is one of the people who kept pakistan on the map.

RL Nationality means nothing in eRepublik, many presidents of countries are not part of the RL Population, in eMalaysia the most caring people, and the highest officials for a very long time were not RL Malaysians, they Were Hungarians,Americans and other nationalities, and yet they are the ones who stayed even after the Invasions of eIndo came, and look who are the ones that are still helping eMalaysia? O rite, they are the non natives!

This is true in many other countries as well throughout the world, discriminating against a person simply because they are not part of the RL population of a country is plain stupidity, the dioists are the reason pakistan has yet to be wiped off, while khurram and others simply complain, and thanks to him 500 gold will have to be paid to reactivate the MPP with russia, so nice one, I hope you leave pakistan like the rest of the traitors, don't come back Ever.

With this statement, I will be returning sooner than I had anticipated I would, and after a short stay in either Brozil, or China, I will be back in Pakistan to help, which is what a "True Pakistani would do.

I for one, although disgusted by these fgts who acted as if they had loyalty to pakistan, am not angered by their departure. I am actually quite happy, this means that there are a handful less fakes in our country.
Whether these people like it or not, Pakistan is a Dioist nation as it has been for its entire history.

These newfags come to our country, and act as if we are the outsiders, they say we do not belong, I did not see these people in the histories, their battles, and achievements written alongside dio's. I saw the names of Altnabla, Agentchieftain, and William Walker. They come here, and claim they are the true pakistanis yet they are the first to leave, they try to claim our history, but try to erase dioism from the history books.

You cannot erase us, we are here, and we will remain, you on the other hand gladly leave.
This is a sign that no inexperienced newfags should be allowed in our goverment, failures like Khurram are to thank for my stance on them.

And for those who claim to be a Dioist but want dioism to be unimplemented as the system which we live by: You cannot be half dioist, you're either with us or you're against us.
This is not trolling, but feel free to report anyways, you do afterall report any opposition comment I post in your newspapers.

I'm sorry btw bros(Not you khurram, & your friends, your butts) that I wrote a TL😉R article, but I thought it would be p nice to make them agro, and report me again.

So bring it on , I have some more FPs to go.

so TL😉R version:

Dioists Win.