So...How Bout That Day 935....

Day 935, 18:25 Published in USA USA by Chocolate McSkittles

Sorry for the sterile title, today was rather mundane. Its the weekend and the whitehouse is rather empty.

Of course, I'd love to be off frolicking with the rest of my cabinet, enjoying RL...but here I am, devoting my life to keeping America awesome \o/

So, not much of a headliner story today, so I'll jump straight into the...

Odds and Ends:

-England lost at the worldwide hacky sack competition or something like that. I dunno, sounds lame to me, but resident Brit Necrosis (aka the deported one) is completely heartbroken. I encourage everyone to shoot him a PM showing your condolences for his home nations loss at footbag.

-Secretary of Unconventional Media Wahoobob has been rather busy, and has been tasked with the creation of a youtube video designed to recruit people once V2 goes live. Anyone interested in assisting that has video engineering experience shoot him a PM!

- Our military sure could use more people! Now more than ever, and even more so in the future, coordination is key to winning battles. The military could always use a reliable hand...So sign up now!

Thats a pretty cool picture. You should click on it and fill out the form 😛

- If you're not ready to take the dive straight into joining the military, I suggest at least trying out a militia. As mentioned, coordination is a huge aspect of the military module in the eWorld. Even more importantly, coordination is pretty fun, and thats what its all about! Anyone interested in learning about the different militias can contact Office of Militia Support director Inwegen with questions.

- Someone mentioned the other day that they don't know how different aspects of government work. That's a solid point, and as such I will be having my different secretaries describe their jobs (within reason, don't expect any confidential secret types stuff 😛) and how their departments work. Over the next few days, you can expect to hear about/from:

Day 936 - Landon, Media
Day 937 - Blazix, Tech
Day 938 - Batterytime, Treasury (
Day 939 - Hyphenated, State

So yeah, keep an eye on my paper, their papers, or the pony express to get the inside scoop on how different aspects of our government work!

Click on the picture to learn how to buy US treasury bonds to make America even more awesome!

- Sorry for no article yesterday. I had a migraine, and did other stuff since I figured anything I would write would be an incoherent jumble of letters, characters, and love :3

Thats I said, slow day. As always I'm in #chocsoffice if anyone wants to idle/chat/whatnot.
