Small Ads Begins

Day 849, 16:21 Published in Poland Poland by Very Secret Organisation

Welcome to Small Ads !

What is Small Ads ?

Small Ads is a free international service of... Small ads. Black Market, New events, Actuality, special offers, you can read here all free ads of all the world. Send me your ad, it's free !

Thanks to subscribe and vote for us, and help us to make this free announcement system a success story ! You will be informed of all offers and opportunities...

How can I write a free Ad ?

1) Send your ad to Very Secret Organisation
2) Your ad must be in english
3) Your ad must be short (40 words max)
4) Your ad must be clear
5) You must give me a citizen/organisation profile to contact you
6) 24h (after publication) before a new publication of the same ad please

Special ads for more visibility

You can give (it's facultative) more visibility to your ad. With 0,05 gold, you can have your ad into bold. This system permits you have more visibility and with this money I can give visibility to "Small ads". Pay the money to Very Secret Organisation and write at the bottom of the message you will send me (with the ad) : "I paid 0,05 gold for Bold ad".

(The ads will be published in an article. When the article will be considerated as "full" (more than 10 ads), a new article will be created)